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Is marijuana legal in Denmark?

Is marijuana legal in Denmark?

this is a very odd question. i know.. but after all of the recent proposition 19 stuff going on in california, ive just had a few questions on the subject I’m no marijuana user looking toward moving to another country to smoke up freely, i just have a few questions. first of all just to make this clear, i am danish, and i have relatives who live (or have lived) in denmark. i understand that the drug is illegal there, but i have heard stories from my relatives that there were some coffee shops there where they would be allowed to lite up and get high while having a cup of joe. i was just wondering if anyone knew anything about this, i was wondering if it had maybe been because they were little, and the danes allowed back then? im not sure… anyone out there have any ideas? thanks! ๐Ÿ™‚

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