Legalize Marijuana debate (part II) marijuana is safer than alcohol-“Kellogg’s had no problem signing up Phelps when he had a conviction for drunk driving, an illegal act that could actually have killed someone,” said Rob Kampia, executive director [of the Marijuana Policy Project]. “To drop him for choosing to relax with a substance that’s safer than beer is an outrage” *George Washington and Thomas Jefferson both grew hemp. Ben Franklin owned a mill that made hemp paper. Jefferson drafted the Declaration of Independence on hemp paper.
Basically money, big buisness, propaganda, and yellow journalists made cannabis illeagle back in the late 20’s to early 30’s and they are still using the same made up lies and crappy excuses to keep this herb illeagle that they used back then. And that is the main reason
Dont get me wrong i love my weed.. But it will never be legal. The reason is because of money… The big buisnesses (alcohol,drug, and tabacco mainly) would lose alot of money and i mean alot of mone if cannabis was legal. Which is why alcohol companies sponser the commercials that say live above the influence..
I have been looking for a strong argument against legalization, but can’t find any. I don’t want to be too one-sided so if anyone knows a good argument against legalization please point me to it.
“people arent robbing and stealing because of their addiction to caffeine”
LOL if it was illegal, i guarantee some people would “kill” for a cup of coffee. cannabis, coca, poppy, etc should be farmed and regulated like any other crop. “DRUG” derived from these plants should be regulated accordingly.
cannabis probably rates somewhere between tomatoes and coffee. legalize it!
@lastmondaypast1 I find that hard to believe when we are willing to cut officers off the payroll while maintaining the pressure on drug dealers (understaffed mind you). If it were about keeping or maintaining jobs then why hasn’t it done so for the thousands out of that particular line of work?
@WellConditionedChimp and if you’re convinced they’re trolling, just ignore – but don’t spam them, because you can never be sure
Everybody, you shouldn’t spam a person’s comment simply because you disagree with them. that’s as dishonest as saying that marijuana is more harmful than alcohol
@lastmondaypast1 i actualy saw this tested, they had a man drive through cones and then had him smoke a joint or two and drive the same road, he did better after he smoked the weed
if marijuana was illegal, the law would loose a lot of work lol. Thats mainly why its illegal.
being stoned doesnt really impair your driving, im actually a better driver stoned, i take my time, when im sober I wanna get places fast for some reason.
I would imagine you would be WAy too PARANIOD…..LOL
The practicality of using Hemp as a fiber is no reason to legalize it for recreational use. Oh and the Declaration of Independence was only drafted on Hemp Paper but printed on Parchment.
HA ! if ur “brother” died from smoking weed then it either means two things:
1. you are FULL OF SHIT ! (cause its impossible to overdose on weed btw dumbass)
2. you suffer from schizophrenia and ur “brother” is a fictional character who u believe smoked weed and died.
goddamn, THERE IS NO ROOM FOR IGNORANT FUCKHEADS ON YOUTUBE ! peace out….. seriously tho, leave.
You got trolled, fool
Fucking learn to spot trolls
i didnt know cannabis was sold in cigarette packs, if he really did die from it, it would be all over the news as evidence of the dangers of cannabis, which it isnt so BULLSHIT
ogirv, could you please tell me one illicit behavior cannabis use leads to, other than those directly related to cannabis use, IE possession, & purchase/sale?
I ask because I have never seen someone engage in behavior unbecoming their character whilst high on pot.
Also seeing as the laws against it’s use are completely ineffective as a deterrent , how does piling on legal harms in any way help matters?
How about no drug’s but if your going to get intoxicated I’d rather be on the road with a stoner than a drunk. marijuana has medical value, alcohol causes medical diseases. Prescription drug’s fucked up my life xanax, vicodin. It’s ok with the government cause the right people got rich. I should have stuck with weed.
My brother died from smoking a whole pack of marijuana cigarettes.
Who robs or steals on weed? I’ve never heard of that happening.
No victim no crime.
Wouldn’t jury nullification work in cases about cannabis possession ?
It would be a sure pathway to legalization .
addicted potheads…? Did you know that pot is not addictive? -.-
Youtube is tired of your stupidity.
You cannot be addicted to marijuana. Alcohol kills. Marijuana does not. If you were looking at iti from a, “Rational and medical perspective” you could never make the claim you just did.
Calling everyone that advocates for the legalization a “pothead” does not help your already poor argument either. I suggest you start looking up the facts instead of spouting your opinions as if they are facts.
don’t cut off the religious simply because you are not, this isn’t a religious vs. non religious issue. Same with democrat vs republican, things like that hurt the cause.newayz, religion is another way in which it’s prohibition is unconstitutional, it’s a case for the courts, and that’s a good point. We have christian religions that have smoking pot involved, same as rastafarians. 41% of Americans have tried pot, how many of those were christians, half? What about practicing, 1/5th of 300 mil
At almost 9 minutes this guy says the Constitution gives us our rights, he is wrong, the Constitution declares our rights, not gives them to us, and I would like to refer this guy to the right to own property, which may consist of marijuana. If you want to keep marijuana illegal, I am sorry sir, you are going to have to start making some Constitutional amendments.