Legalize Marijuana NOW! ( Part 1 )

Marijuana shouldn’t just be legal in Cali, but NATIONWIDE…and my vid shows why
Marijuana shouldn’t just be legal in Cali, but NATIONWIDE…and my vid shows why
Medical Marijuana is advancing in Illinois. Check out the latest story from NY Times: SPRINGFIELD, Ill. — The... Read More »
Kansas appeals court addresses medical marijuana issue for travelers March 15. By TONY RIZZO. The Kansas City Star.... Read More »
Foxborough Needs to Establish Medical Marijuana District Following AG's Ruling “Unless somebody can articulate something specific I think... Read More »
I havet smoked weed for 10 years now and i dont plan on smoking it again.It just got me lazy, ruined some of my memory.Now im working on my medical school , have other healthy hobbies. If it should be legal it should be smoked in the privacy of your home and not be allowed to operate machinery and vehicles when your high on weed..I think my statement is fair..
no ok weed shouldnt be here at all or legalized i think that seriously no drug or anything illegal its bad and everything and everything will kill u oh and fyi dont say things u dont know with this video cuz my cousin died of marijuana k oh and another cousin died of cocain and ect k so dont open ur mouth bout people not dieing k
i love your eyez
awsome vidoe. the goverment can put that in there bong and smoke it.
@SkaterKid10156 i take it you have never smoked anything. no one gets high then kills people because they dont know what there doing. if you think weed is all that bad turn your eye to tobaco and alcohol. 75000 people die per year because of it. 440000 dye because of cigarettes. no one has ever ODd or died because of smoking weed. california sold over 12billion dollers of weed in 2010 and if taxed would have made the US goverment over 1000000$ to go twords our 1000000000$ debt with china.
fuckin right make it legal damnit !!!!!!!!!!!!
For the record, Marijuana Is a drug. But so is caffeine.
how your retarded!
mary j should not be legalized
because its a toxin
there would be more crimes like man sluagther because half of the fucking people wouldn’t know what the fuck they are doing it
Great video!!!
I agree, I’ll totally smoke with you.
@NegativeNick yeah whatever…i made a mistake….i mean recreational general use of Mary J across the nation is what id like to see
@wood829 I really dnt get munchies anymore…but ill drink a gallon of Hi-C or Hawiian Punch tho
@jacquiefcknbabi Weed is NOT a drug…Its a plant…drugs are chemically/altered by man….heroin,crack,coke,X are drugs…..not Mushrooms,weed,salvia….ect…. so id rather take natural herbs then kill myself with perscriptions
weed is a drug.
do you have any food to go with that weed?
I agree completely. It is not a drug, its a plant. All plants should be legal to do whatever the hell you want with them imo. Its all just a system of control that makes no sense. It grows naturally on earth yet they think they can keep people from using it? They might as well outlaw rocks as they can be harmful when thrown. Anyway nice vid!
you say a few seconds into your video that they are trying to legalize medical marijuana in california. wtf? you do realize the word medical is not part of the word marijuana, it was added to note pot used for medicine. the bill up for a vote in november is just for marijuana, regardless of a doctor’s note. everyone over 21 will be able to buy it.
It got kinda freaky when there were lots of you and bubbles.
@xxTheDARKL0RDxx That, and not to mention its a treat agains the Cotton,Paper,and Drug companies. Marijuana can make paper,rope,clothes,and various other uses in the parts that arent used by smoking
I always believed because marijuana can easily be grown in your backyard, the government can’t tax people on it like cigarettes, and that’s their biggest reason why they’re against it.
I completely agree with you on this, and think the government really should really legalize marijuana. Also I liked that bubble effect going on in your background
It helps my PCOS.