Legalize Marijuana…

What’s next? I’ll tell you what’s next… Legalizing marijuana. Barack Obama had some kind of town hall meeting on the computer the other day. The number one question people asked Barack Obama is, Will you legalize marijuana? Why do people want it legalized? So they can tax it. Regulate it. Decriminalize it, so we can get some of these people who are sitting in jail right now being payed for by taxpayer money out of there because they really didn’t commit a crime. What was Barack Obamas answer? No! Absolutely not! Are you freaking kidding me?! Barack Obama has probably smoked more weed in his lifetime than Tommy Chong. The guy did freaking cocaine for god’s sake! Bill Clinton smoked weed. George Bush did cocaine! and these people don’t want to legalize drugs? You gotta be kidding me! Let me tell you something… ALL drugs in this country should be legal! If you commit a crime while on drugs, you should be prosecuted for the crime. But NOT for doing drugs! If some guy can hangout all night smoking weed, watching tv wake up in the morning a go to work. Why should that be considered a crime? If some guy can snort cocaine. Go out to a freaking club. Dance, sing, have a great tim then get up in the morning make himself breakfast and wash his car. Why should that be considered a crime? It shouldn’t!! if you commit murder while on cocaine, you should be arrested for murder. But NOT for doing cocaine. if you beat somebody up while smoking weed, you should be arrested for assault …
Everybody go on my channel and watch – SGB – Smokin’ – and tell me what you think blessy
@AllCarsAllTheTime2 your the fucking moron guy, you can drive 100% perfect when your stoned because it’s not an impairing drug. Ive driven my car stoned out of my mind and driven fine. I probably drive better because I pay more attention to the road watching for cops and what not. Learn your facts before you say shit. And yes it will be legalized soon when Cali votes on it this November … they will say yes because there economy is complete shit and they need all the money they can get =)
Very good point.
LOL!!!! Barack Obama definetly smoked weed, but hes hasnt more then Tommy Chong!!! Hes a king!!!
You, drinking with bob, are COMPLETLEY RIGHT!!!! The government sucks ass! Cant they be for anyone.
If you talk fast you gotta articulate. Check out Phillip Defranco or RayWilliamJohnsons videos. They talk fast but it doesnt sound weird.
And this actually having a real meaning, you need time to process what you’re saying.
Screw all you haters. Idk about the coke but he makes good points about marijuana. If u don’t care about what this guy says then y waste ur time making a comment? There’s this thing called voicing your opinion; this guy is doing it. Don’t hate on him for it. Your crazy bob! It’s cool though
Always Stay True!!!! You always speak the truth!
whoa whoa whoa dip shit slow down.. its gonna help me and hurt them? how?
Taxing legalized weed by like 500% from a base price of 5$ or more is going to hurt them? Keeping me dumbed down and lethargic enough to not notice whats going on in the world is going to help me?
Took me five minutes to get to white castle, cuz I don’t do drugs. – Peter Griffin
I can be stupid like you too bob
why is it a bad weed to leaglize it? those people who go out smoke weed dance or sit at home and watch tv get distracted… and get behind the wheel.
HAHAHA this guy is so pissed!
Those are very well thought through arguments, and yes the cartel makes significant amounts of money of cocaine/heroin, and one of the main reasons I support legalizing marijuana is too cut of the majority of the cartel’s finances. I believe our DEA should use their limited funding to go after crack, heroin, and meth.
I don’t believe that we can even “win” the drug war, but if we stop wasting our time chasing pot users, we can bust alot more crack/meth dealers.
First of all watch your tone, nobody will take you seriously in your arguments if you can’t be respectful in your debates, while I support marijuana legalization I don’t deny that marijuana has side affects but yes it is pretty safe for a drug it ussually won’t make you addicted and hasn’t killed anyone.
But just because I believe we should legalize pot, doesn’t mean that heavy pot use is good, my friend was not able to remember shit and acted boring, any drug used too heavily is bad.
dear drinkingwithbob…
I really dont care.
dude wtf are you on fucking meth
@Noahthebeast09 The thing is when you make something illegal, you are putting it in the hands of criminals. Look at the Mexican drug cartels, they have more guns that the Mexican army. We gave the money to them. Instead of having drugs legal, and that money going to growers who have legit businesses, and who follow the laws. You are giving the money too criminals who commit crimes. While legalizing MJ would help a lot, it doesn’t get rid of the problems caused by other illegal drugs.
@littledude2292 No your logic blows. Rape and murder have victims. Doing drugs in and of it’s self is a victimless crime. Murder is infringing on ones right to life. It’s simple, prove damages. In a case where someone takes a taxi to a club, and snorts a line of cocaine, then takes a taxi home and goes to bed, who is hurt?
You know who are zombies? The people who the government shoves fucking opiates down their throats to “cure” their pain. Then these people become opiate addicts and those are zombies. You know why some people are “zombies” when they are high? It’s because the most profound thoughts are flowing through their mind. The government doesn’t want people to meditate on thoughts with a free mind. The government doesn’t want thinkers.
@asshat987654321 Dude your a dumbshit. At least noathebeast is making an educated debate. Tobacco grows from the ground too, and even the natural stuff you use to roll your own cigarettes contains hundreds of carcinogens. To say that marijuana doesnt is ignorant. And eating peoples brains? Saying hes a zombie is an expression used to mean that he walked around with his eyes glazed over and completely oblivious to anything going on around him.
@littledude2292 how does weed have chemicals in it if it just grows like that from the ground….cigarettes are man made and have chemicals put in them by these big companies to keep people smoking. Your friend was like a zombie because he smoked weed? So he was going around eating peoples brains? what the fuck are you talking about
I would agree with that statement Bob. I’d say this is probably the truest thing you’ve said so far.
Well true that heavy marijuana use over extended periods of time can make you act stupid, and yes sitting on your ass and being a pothead would get you out of shape making you out of breath lol.
Drugs used in moderation are relaxing and fun, but anything can become addictive, and could fuck you up. I knew a guy that smoked so much pot he was like a zombie, then I knew a guy who could responsibly use heroin (heroin is still a deadly drug and I don’t recommend it)
Marijuana causes less problems
@Noahthebeast09 Yes but I have read in studies that one marijuana joint has the same carcinogens and chemicals as 5 cigarettes. People just dont seem to smoke as much marijuana I suppose. But lung issues have occured such as shortness of breath. Not to mention people who smoke marijuana over long periods of time are often just completely stupid and look permenantly blazed and confused.
LOL yeah legalizing rape murder and incest would be insane.
I don’t think cocaine and heroin should be legal, however marijuana is a pretty safe drug it hasn’t killed a single person the biggest side affect of marijuana use is being put in jail, the drugs practically harmless when used in moderation.