Man calls 911 with pot inquiry

A Farmington man is under arrest after he called 911 and asked the dispatcher how much trouble he could get into for growing marijuana.
A Farmington man is under arrest after he called 911 and asked the dispatcher how much trouble he could get into for growing marijuana.
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for one plant dude comon now grow a brain!
i’ve watched this xerox commercial on at least a hundred different videos and i still havent put any effort into understanding what it is saying.
marketing fail
He didn’t smoke it >.>
anyone think that he didnt call 911 maybe someone he pissed off called and new his address. idk i dont wanna think someone is that stupid
@BlacksAreBeautiful human body was not designed to be vegan… look it up. Its un natural.
and everything is harmful. im saying marijuana itself is not harmful…
@cparker15 I’m not sure. I don’t eat processed foods.
@BlacksAreBeautiful Are plain potato chips vegan-friendly?
@hcorebabysean OH? How exactly can vegan be unhealthy? You say smoke in general is harmful, so what the heck is your point then because that’s what I have been saying from the beginning!!!
outlaw nature & ban personal responsibility. it’s for the best.
@BlacksAreBeautiful vegan can be unhealthy too, and smoke in general is harmful but marijuana smoke is no more harmful then paper smoke is. While tobacco is terrible for your lngs.
@hcorebabysean You do. The other guy sort of sounds like 5-0 gone mental
@hcorebabysean I don’t drink although I have. I don’t smoke, although I did. I try to eat as healthy as possible. I’m a vegan. You say “besides the obvious ingestion of smoke.” Well that’s all I’m talking about. You guys want to make it about the MJ smoke as compared to other types of smoke. Any smoke period is destructive to the lungs, and any Harvard professor disagreeing with that is an idiot! I agree MJ doesn’t have to be smoked, but I doubt seriously you’re advocating MJ tea!
If the answer to any of those is yes, your doing the same damage to your body as you are from inhaling a plant. And marijuana doesnt need to be smoked. if it was legal there is MANY creatvie things dispenseries has like drinks candies baked goods. so there for once again your arguement is countered. I think i win this.
@BlacksAreBeautiful Medically it amazing I’m glad you accept that. but your main falter in your argument is there are studies proving that marijuana smoke, besides the obvious ingestion of smoke, does no other damage to your lungs like marijuana does. Studies by Harvard professors. i recommend watching The Union by the way if you want a source. so therefor the smoke i the only thing that is bad for you. Do you drink coffee? Drink alchohol, smoke the occasional ciggarette, or eat unhealthy food
@BlacksAreBeautiful It wasn’t weed that caused his outpouring of idiocy… He was already dumber than shit. Can’t blame weed for everything, you know.
This guy is a fucking idiot for doing that. Did he HONESTLY believe that asking a 911 operator a question about growing marijuana wasn’t going to get him in trouble?
It appears he should’ve hashed out a different plan…
There is nothing I can say that will convince you otherwise. But I will say, the lungs were not meant to take in smoke. I believe in the medicinal powers of MJ (if that’s even one of your lists of benefits) but ingesting it through the lungs is the dumbest thing one can do his or herself. Now if you can prove to me that the lungs can function normally after extended use of this fine. Oh, and “my father’s uncle smoked weed all his life and never had lung problems” doesn’t count as proof.
@BlacksAreBeautiful please explain why smoking marijuana is stupid. the rest i agree with completely but please explain your brainwashed view of marijuana.
Oh and not everyone who smokes crack becomes a crackhead either, but that doesn’t mean it’s a smart thing to do. People who smoke weed, cigarettes, pipes, cigars are stupid people!
@gadawgsfan4 I can’t see how you can get more stupid than calling 911 to make your mom mad. Just in case you don’t get it, whose face is plastered around the world now, and is being made to look like the idiot? Who do you think is more mad today, him or his mother?…lol….
@BlacksAreBeautiful He wanted to do it to make his mom mad, and all people who smoke pot are not stupid, for instance Stephen King and Bill Gates, and these are just a few.
They should have also sited him for being stupid
and people want me to believe that weed doesn’t make you stupid????