Marijuana: DC – Lets smoke this joint!

The DC Council passed a medical marijuana law in May, but while the law was signed by the mayor, it still had to undergo a period of Congressional review that lasts 30 legislative days. That 30-day period concluded Monday, according to the mayor’s office, so the law officially went into effect Tuesday. A panel of Calvina L. Fay of the Drug Free America Foundation and Aaron Houston from SSDP join RT’s Kristine Frazao to debate. Will the capital become a haven for weed?
Calvina Fay will get cancer one day and the doctor will prescribe her medical marijuana and she will kick herself in the ass!
the girl thats hosting this show is a fucking moron.she claims at 6.26 that no other country recognizes marijuana as legal,she obviously has not been to holland.and check out what she says regarding the discovery of gliese581.
heres some advise,do some research, for calvina?i guess shes just scared of the competition,LOL.finally the people will get some medicine that actually works ๐ screw her and her draconian outlook on life.
The joints are on me!!
rEVOLution is alive!
@abitdodgie fuck the sheeple 1333
C’mon, don’t be douches, pass this woman a big fatty…
Its only illegal because the government couldnt successfully regulate it like theyve done alcohol. Also the fact that the hemp plant can make a hundreds of different products is competition to industries that are pre existing, eventhough using hemp would mean never having to cut down another tree again.
Put that ole ass in a sealed porta-jon and hotbox the shit out that bitch with a pound of Crude, That nasty mexican shit…While “Babylon By Bus” plays on full volume…. The statistics are all true, but in no way corollated to the use of herb.
calvina funny la-dee….he he
ridiculous bitch
@MikeFromTheUK1 It’s money being sent down the hole by assholes who want to kill our Planet. Period.
this is why i hate old people
im sorry but she is flat out lying they have developed drugs using marjuna(TCP) why would they be doing that if it’s not helpfull???
Anyone who has studied Marijuana will know that it is one of the best cure all drugs this planet has.
bahhhhhhh… bahhhhhhhhh. weed is bahhhhhhhhd
marijuana doesnt get people shot, dumb cunt, thats because of the prohibition
hahaha..cruel marijuana ..BITCH !!
8:50 OWNED!!!!!!! Bitch!
this lady is a dumb bitch. all power to the herb
and how can she say marijana cannot be used as a medicine? sure its not a cure for the illness but its a very good symptom fighting substance.
take people with tourettes or ms for example, the relaxing effect of marijuana makes it easier for people with tourettes to control their ticks, such as the most known form, shouting whatever comes to mind. people who have muscle contractions from MS who can barely speak or do anything at all, get their muscles relaxed so they can do stuff again.
lol so what if people want to smoke weed to cure a headache? more people die every year from painkillers than from marijuana..
She scares the shit out of me…
bitch bitch legalize weed in all states
thank god i live in holland ..
Shes an idiot she doesnt realize all these crimes are happening BECAUSE it is illegal, you dont see people doing the same with alcohol because it is legal and regulated.