Marijuana Drug Bust in Oakland California Political News

Marijuana Drug Bust in Oakland California Political News – Nothing to with Larry Craig or Comedy or Borat, nor is it funny; it’s serious stuff. Federal agents, DEA
Marijuana Drug Bust in Oakland California Political News – Nothing to with Larry Craig or Comedy or Borat, nor is it funny; it’s serious stuff. Federal agents, DEA
Medical Marijuana is advancing in Illinois. Check out the latest story from NY Times: SPRINGFIELD, Ill. — The... Read More »
Kansas appeals court addresses medical marijuana issue for travelers March 15. By TONY RIZZO. The Kansas City Star.... Read More »
Foxborough Needs to Establish Medical Marijuana District Following AG's Ruling “Unless somebody can articulate something specific I think... Read More »
pathetic, all those resources put into making a pot bust, what a waste.
yeah… seriously weed is like the LEAST dangerous drug EVER!
most people OD from SLEEPING PILLS!!! and theyre worried about weed???????
research/advocate industrial hemp alongside medicinal cannabis for health liberty and economy! and ecology! research the commodities we are not taking advantage of economically
why did that fat fucked cop say that pot is dangerous?
hella the potency has increased 300% since it became illeagal
and yet to OD from it you would have to approximatly smoke 15000 lbs of pot in 15 min
which is physicaly impossible
Do they every once in a while feed a good marijuana bust to the feds or what? The place is marijuanaville and everyone knows it. That shouldnt even be news.
fuck the DEA ,MJ 4 life
we need to replace the senate and the presidency with people who smoke weed so we can enjoy it
I agree, and to top it off hes probably a huge cocktail drinker…… Everyone needs to smoke m ore pot, and smoke that prohibition too!
fuck pot brownies i want a pot nutrageous!!!
smoking some high grade pot is like drinkin some high grade booze.. whats the difference. pot wont kill you. booze will.
“the thc has tripled in content. so it is very bad” that stupid hick probably doesnt even know what thc is ahahah.
My man Dan Ashley with the report
I know that the drug war isn’t working. It’s a complete, and utter, failure. We need to end the war on drugs; it would save lives and money. LEGALIZE ALL DRUGS, NOW!
4 time as much marijuana? war on drugs working? haha don’t bullshit yourself
more toys have killed ppl then weed.
reefer madness.