Marijuana & Federalism:Prop. 19 Legal Issues (7) Theshia Naidoo

Marijuana and Federalism: California a Test Case Prop. 19 Legal Issues Forum San Francisco, CA August 6, 2010 Hosted by the Voluntary Committee of Lawyers, Speakers: * Sheriff Thomas D. Allman – Mendocino County Sheriff * Tom Ammiano – Assemblymember, 13th District, California * Joe Elford, Esq. – Chief Counsel, Americans for Safe Access * Robert Hirshon, Esq. – Professor of Law, University of Michigan; former President, American Bar Association * Allen Hopper, Esq. – Legal Director, ACLU Drug Law Reform Project * Alex Kreit, Esq. – Associate Professor of Law; Director, Center for Law and Social Justice, Thomas Jefferson School of Law * Theshia Naidoo, Esq. – Staff Attorney, Office of Legal Affairs, Drug Policy Alliance Moderators: * Roger E. Goodman, Esq. – State Representative, 45th District, Washington State; Executive Director, Voluntary Committee of Lawyers * Eric E. Sterling, Esq. – President, Criminal Justice Policy Foundation; President, Voluntary Committee of Lawyers