Medical marijuana advocates support patient facing drug charges

Proponents of medical marijuana gathered at the Somerset County Courthouse in Somerville to support a Franklin Township man who faces drug charges for growing marijuana in his backyard. John Ray Wilson, 36, was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in 2002, but because he does not have health insurance, he says he cannot afford prescription medicines. He has tried a number of therapies, including honeybee stings, but says marijuana is the best medicine he has found. His attorney, James Wronko, of Somerville, says Wilson didnt want to continue buying marijuana from drug dealers so he decided to try and grow it himself. But a helicopter pilot spotted the 17 plants, which were over six feet tall, in his backyard and alerted authorities. Wilson was charged with maintaining a drug production facility, a first-degree offense, and faces a maximum of 20 years in prison, up to 10 years without parole. In July, Superior Court Judge Robert Reed ruled Wilson cannot mention his illness at trial because personal use of marijuana is not a legal defense in New Jersey, even though the state legislature is currently considering a law that would legalize medical marijuana. Wronko has appealed the decision. (Video by Nyier Abdou/The Star-Ledger)
when Jersey does implement a medical marijuana policy its gonna suck.. will b over-regulated If you need POT for MEDICINE, MOVE OUT WEST, ITS EVERYWHERE!!! but good luck findin a cheesesteak when u got the munchies!
jersey is WAC with their strict laws… this state always charges people with absurd laws like ‘drug production facilities’ C’mon New Jersey PROGRESS into the 21st century already! obama is laying off the states n letting them make their own policies! NJ is stuck in the past, focus on gang activity and the REAL ISSUES in the Garden state! jeeeeeeeeeez
that’s fucked so whatever happened to this dude?
only in jersey but yea thats really sad
20 years for growing a plant that harms no one. The US is basically just like if not worst than countries like North Korea. At least North Korea doesn’t call itself the land of the free. Land of the Free my ass the US has more prisoners in its prisons than any other country in the world. This country is as if not more corrupt than many of the countries out there known for corruption. But hey lets send this guy to prison to get beat up and raped I mean he deserves it for growing a plant right?
0:40 … the bible?
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that is fucked up. the government is full of dirtbags committing serious crimes. but no one cares. i hate what this country has become.
“better off being a crooked politican”
yes, i agree. in the ideal world the judge would be locked up. i use medicinal cannabis as a mood stabilizer, as it’s the only thing that works without intolerable side effects. so this story really hits me. it’s a sad state of affairs.
this is ridiculous. the judge who sentences him is the one who should be locked away for 20 years, same with the “lawmakers” who put MMj Prohibition in place.
prohibition is a failure
our government is stupid, legalize now