Medical Marijuana Now Allowed in Airports

Medical marijuana is now legal in airport terminals. More information can be found here: Some more information from a comment left on another website: ” Hi everyone, My name is Lauren Payne, and I’m the legal services coordinator for Americans for Safe Access. While TSA officials may have stated a relaxing of their own “policy,” note the mention of local law enforcement officials. There is currently a California patient who is awaiting sentencing for flying with medicine. He was turned over to local officials, tried, and convicted of violating the CA medical marijuana program. In addition, it’s important to remember that there are tons of opportunities in airports and on planes to interact with federal law enforcement, and there is NO medical defense to possession, transportation, or trafficking charges at the federal level. Federal fines are steep, and these types of charges may also lead to jail time. It’s best NOT to fly with medicine, EVEN if your flight never leaves your home state. Also, keep in mind that most medical marijuana states do NOT recognize patient status for travelers (except RI, MI, & MT). Just because you are a CA patient, that does NOT make you a qualified patient in CO. For more information, please feel free to contact ASA’s legal hotline at 510/251-1856 x304 or [email protected]. Become a member of ASA today! Posted 08/11/2010 at 09:52:42 AM”
How is this possible if the atf and fbi are still busting people in the USA? wouldn’t the TSA do the same thing?
genius taking a plant with you on a airplain hahaha
people are opening their eyes more and more everyday and realizing its only a plant and a medicine that helps so many people with so many different illness and helps in so many ways ~
Amazing. Never would of believed it…..
He is officially in the Mile “High” Club…
this shit it a step the right way green love
the mormons peoples heads in der musta blown up when they saw this guy medicating hahahahahmormons they tink ther soooo fuckn great bwhahahah
hahaha, looks like your just doing this to get a rise outta people. lol carting around a potted plant? wtf haha
I’m no politician, but of course I still have a brain with which to think, and I approve this message.
Volcano in da airport?!!? FUCKING HILARIOUS!!!1
pass the bag man!!!!!
the weed guys is the funniest man ever
is vaping INSIDE the plane allowed?
wtf thats awsome
my fellow soldier well done
hahahah omg thats how u no usa is on the verge of legalzation i cant even fathom that he can do that in the usa hahahah
No way , this cant be in the US !
@transcevocare Well said!
l0l vape bag in the airport, Classic
I would have liked to see what it was like to go through the screening process with this stuff. I’d like to see how they handle checking for medical marijuana IDs, etc. It would just be interesting to see how the whole process is dealt with.
it may be too loud, but either way he’s doing the most important thing: Exposure. The more people are exposed to something unknown, the more comfortable they will be. The fact that he was able to do all that without any trouble from authorities will speak the loudest to people. I think the average person is more afraid to be associated with it publicly rather then actually taking a stand against it.