Medical marijuana’s future in New Jersey 1 of 2

View video in one part Posted by John Munson/The Star-Ledger on June 5, 2010 at 05:03 PM This January, New Jersey became the 14th state to pass a medical marijuana law, allowing the use of cannabis to treat certain medical conditions. The Legislature set July as the deadline to launch the program, but Gov. Chris Christie has asked for a six to 12 month delay to plan for the growth and distribution of marijuana. With so little information about how New Jersey’s program will work, The Star-Ledger visited two states with very different cannabis laws — New Mexico, which the New Jersey Legislature looks to as a model of a responsible medical marijuana program, and Colorado, which has lax laws and is seen by some as a state that has lost control. Video by John Munson/The Star-Ledger Source link: