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medicinal marijuana in CA – is it cheaper?

medicinal marijuana in CA – is it cheaper?

My neighbour’s son uses MJ to calm down; without it (she tells me), he can’t really function (she said he becomes violent towards her, breaks things, steals things, and doesn’t do well in school without it). I asked her if his doctor would write a prescription – she said yes, but in the long run it costs more (doctor has to follow up, etc.)
I’m wondering if that’s true…I have no idea and I thought I would post to see what others have to say.
Other facts: they are on Medi-Cal and she said they would never approve it. Is it cheaper to purchase from a clinic than a “drug dealer”? With a script, what else is involved? Doctor follow-ups, etc.?
FYI: serious post here for those in CA, I’m not advocating use of MJ (I don’t use it), but I am wondering if she has other options.
@ Jillian – I would have thought that the state isn’t competing with the “dealers”; as one is legal and the other isn’t. So perhaps my neighbour is correct in saying it costs more to have a prescription than to simply buy off the black market?

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