Michigan’s Medical Marijuana Law.wmv

Steve and HC explore Michigan’s Medical Marijuana law and how to get a medical card to qualify
Steve and HC explore Michigan’s Medical Marijuana law and how to get a medical card to qualify
Medical Marijuana is advancing in Illinois. Check out the latest story from NY Times: SPRINGFIELD, Ill. — The... Read More »
Kansas appeals court addresses medical marijuana issue for travelers March 15. By TONY RIZZO. The Kansas City Star.... Read More »
Foxborough Needs to Establish Medical Marijuana District Following AG's Ruling “Unless somebody can articulate something specific I think... Read More »
@Dougiefrezh001 i think its that u cant have more than 2.5 ounces on u while in public or while out side ur home.
i have a disorder called cp aka cerebal palsey, mild as it may be i suffer from sever and cronic pain and to my knowlage i could benafit from the use of canubis indicus. i was wonder if i qualify for a medical card and if so then great ill be good
@Dougiefrezh001 you actually can have up to 12 plants that is true, you can have up to 2.5 ounces of usable marijuana on you, come the harvest you can harvest up to 2.5 onces only, i sugest that you do not have 12 plants at once i sugest that you grow maybe 2-3 plants at a time, depending on the strain you can have anywhere up to 2-3 pounds a harvest but that doesnt mean you crop it all. use this info to good use
@ProjectSafePlay Thank you!!!!!! U Rock!
@Passionofthetaint OMG u hit the nail on the head. Ain’t that the truth. Excellent point! ;o))))
@Dougiefrezh001 @Dougiefrezh001
Hey, my understanding is that the 2.5 ounces refers to dried material. I would assume that means don’t dry the extra. Also, I would recommend pruning buds off a little at a time, taking the larger, higher up buds first and working your way down. When you get to the the point where you have 1/2 a plant, go back to 18 hours a day and they will revert back to vegative growth, then reflower. The whole law is very confusing.
Hey, my understanding is that the 2.5 ounces refers to dried material. I would assume that means don’t dry the extra. Also, I would recommend pruning buds off a little at a time, taking the larger, higher up buds first and working your way down. When you get to the the point where you have 1/2 a plant, go back to 18 hours a day and they will revert back to vegative growth, then reflower. The whole law is very confusing.
Hey, my understanding is that the 2.5 ounces refers to dried material. I would assume that means don’t dry the extra. Also, I would recommend pruning buds off a little at a time, taking the larger, higher up buds first and working your way down. When you get to the the point where you have 1/2 a plant, go back to 18 hours a day and they will revert back to vegative growth, then reflower. The whole law is very confusing.
Hello, I was wondering if someone could clear up a question i have regarding the 2.5 ounces and 12 plants. It seem vague regarding the 2.5 ounces. I understand I can have 12 plants. However, come the harvest time of 12 plants it would seem that one would harvest more than 2.5 ounces from 12 plants. How can I harvest 12 plants and have only 2.5 ounces of useable MM? Thanks in advance.
great info… My doctor diaganosed me the Hypo-Glysema i get irrated, and my guts hurt like my instine. been like this for months and i contacted mmm or something and hopefuly i can get into something.
need to get this in Indiana, right below Michigan & illegal here. makes no sense at all?!? weed chills me out & takes away stress, anxieties & helps me sleep & eat.
alcohol just makes me physically ill & “prescription meds” are no good for your liver & always end up having some weird ass side affects that usually ends up in a “class-action lawsuit”.
if all of the people that are against weed, would actually smoke weed this world would be a nicer, happier place to live:)
While informative, I don’t think talking about wide open loopholes will benefit the cause.
When a person gets a medical marijuana card, where can you get it without growing it yourself???
Is it a prescription you can take to any drug store???
If people can drink, why can’t they legalize weed to people over 21? Drinking sucks and is dangerous! Not weed!
Marijuana is the safest medicine god created on this earth.
If weed killed people and was dangerous, the government would legalize it to everyone!!!!
It’s all about population control and freedom control.
I personally wouldnt qualify but are mental conditions such as anxiety, depression, etc.. covered under the michigan medical marijuana program?
Hey Yoyo762,
O.K., I get your point. I worry a lot about putting health records online or available to your employer. Will the future employers have access to this info?Could this be a step in that direction? Maybe. I’m all for complete legalization w/ home cultivation. Why do I have to be sick at all? I hadn’t really thought about the invasion of your medical history angle, but you make a good point to consider.
Everything you cite is not related to your general health conditions which are extensively protected. Breathilyzer, dna or a drug test are considered outside the realm of personal health. Numerous court decisions state that. For example, the gov is not allowed to inquire into your health history. That you’ve had hep-c, cancer, herpes or whatever is strictly prohibited. Thus if I need a certain medication, its not allowed that my Dr or pharmacist can disclose any or that to the gov.
Hey Yoyo762,
I agree, I’m a bit of a Liberitarian when it comes to my health and body. But, unfortunately, the gov can request blood or urine if your going for a gov job, they can demand your DNA if your accused of a crime, they can test you blood, hair or do a breathalizer if your driving erratically. George Orwell didn’t have a clue how bad it could get. Marijuana is a plant, the very notion of illegalizing a plant at all seems crazy to me. Thanks for your comment
Why shouild I be required to disclose my health conditions to the gov??? If I feel it is for medical purposes, since when can the gov compell me to disclose private info about my healthcare??? Seems to me you can use marijuana and if the state/cops want to arrest you, they have the burden of proof to prove you do NOT need it. An impossible standard.
Hey jmhere8991,
What’s really embarrassing for him is that he’s spending his life busting up families over marijuana while rapists and child molestors are running free. I really doubt he joined the force so he could bust pot smokers, so we should show him a little sympathy.
can u believe that a cop came on here under a numbered account, what a chump
i thought from reading the act that states people with drug related felonies can be a patient and still get the minimum 2.5oz 12 plants but can not be a caregiver which gives you the right to have 5 patients increasing you alotted amount to12.5oz 60 plants is this true? steve made it sound like someone with a drug related felony will not be aloud to grow but my understanding is thats not true. and do you have to have an inspection on your grow room if you are a patient or just a caregiver?
LOL, I know Steve, I was joking.
Hell, I don’t even talk to John or his sister anymore.
badfinger,im not giving the bird to my viewers,i am flipping off steve myers on every show,because i know his ass watches my every move,but its his fault why h.c. and i left,SO HE KNOWS MY LAST WORDS ARE TO HIM.FUCK YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Great info guy’s!
Very informative.
I suffer too.
I was gonna say happy to see Steve back on, then he gave me the middle finger.
Steve, are we cross?
Just kidding. 🙂