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My boyfriend goes out and parties every night while i sit at home :P?

My boyfriend goes out and parties every night while i sit at home :P?

I’m going to give you a recent example of what happens ^^ Thursday night, my boyfriend went out with 3 of his friends .. 2 were girls and 1 was a guy .. he pretty much left me in the middle of a call and i was okay with that right because he was going out to smoke hookah ..(and btw he lives about an hour and a half away so he cant just come pick me up whenever) anywhoo i thought they were gonna just go to somebodys house and smoke hookah whatever but they ended up going tosome hookah bar somewhere and staying there till like 2 ..and i was texting him the whole time about to jack my moms car and go pick him up since i was getting really pissed off at the fact that he was there with this bitch that he kissed while we were going out << i'm not going to get into that) but then they left the hookah bar bought a mini hookah there and got rlly high roolin down the highway while i'm still over in my house alone starting to get upset ...then they get drunk on a beach somewhere and finally at goddamn 4 in the morning he realised i was upset ...because i had to tell him ...and he called and was like are you okay ? and some other stuff then had to go run around the beach more and i weent to sleep finally ... theeennn the next day he slept all day (duh) and then got high ^^ so i didnt really get to talk ... but this has been happening alot.. like it goes in circles with alot of pratying and then no partying ...-.- its odd and makes me feel sad when hes out with his friends all night instead of me .. i was just wondering if this is normal... i know he won't again .. but its really hard to trust with all the shit he does . :/ like i never know really whats going on.

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