My wind deck, harpie themed. is it tornament worthy, plz help me?

Harpie/wind deck.hi, this is my wind deck with a harpie theme, i want it to be tornament worthy but when i look at the cards they all seem like good cards that should be in the deck, but im not sure, its prolly actually pretty crap. its a really big deck so help me cut it down a bit. thanks for all replies. p.s ive just ordered 3 harpie queens
1 simorgh bird of divinity
2 flying kamakiri
1 little winguard
2 sonic duck
1 harpies brother
2 bladefly
1 swift bird man joe
2 neo spacian air hummingbird
1 diskblade rider
2 harpie lady 1
1 kazejin
1 bird face
1 spear dragon
1 dragon dwelling in the cave
1 wind effigy
1 sonic shooter
1 slate warrior
1 sasuke samurai
1 harpie lady 3
1 whirlwind prodigy
1 pot of avarice
1 heavy storm
1 banner of courage
2 mystical space typhoons
1 hammer shot
2 axe of despair
1 premature burial
1 scape goat
2 harpies hunting ground
1 swords of revealing light
1 monster reborn
1 lightning vortex
1 elegant egotist
1 solemn wishes
1 ordeal of a traveler
1 wall of revealing light
1 aqua chorus
1 cemetery bomb
1 coffin seller
1 hysteric party
2 reckless greed
2 icarus attack
1 sakuretsu armor
well thats it boys. thanks for all suggestions
add harpie’s feather duster in place of heavy storm to make the deck smaller remove all the cards thats not very useful for you i cant remove cards from your deck because its yours it should be special
i’m no expert but yeah it would be awesome if you got a feather duster instead of heavy storm, but in a tournament i’d say you would make it to the top five…deffenatly would beat me