Nearly 2000 marijuana plants seized

SANTA ROSA CO., Fla. – A huge drug bust happened in Santa Rosa County late Tuesday afternoon. Deputies seized nearly 2000 marijuana plants.
SANTA ROSA CO., Fla. – A huge drug bust happened in Santa Rosa County late Tuesday afternoon. Deputies seized nearly 2000 marijuana plants.
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Fuck you pigs. Spend our taxes on something else.
why the fuck do they make such an effort, spending millions of our tax dollars on stopping something so harmless from growing when it can be grown, harvested as hemp AND marijuana, making practically billions of dollars over time?! GATEWAY my ass, that’s only BECAUSE the dumbshit government made it illegal, making us have to buy from dealers. There is no deaths from solely marijuana you can’t hide that US government! Stop lying to the people and tell the truth about this harmless god-given plant
@peaceinenp3 if weed is legalized and its prices drop closer to the prices of cigarettes you will see people dying from marijuana. If a pack of camels cost 50 dollars no one would die from cigarettes…
@sheemsheem I was just going to comment about that. The news people are talking like it’s some primo shit, and the first close up is of pollen sacks, idiots. It’s probably better they took it it was going to be garbage anyways.
the reporter probably wanted to smoke it.
cops are just jealous that they wouldve made more money then them
most of it is hemp
@flymarvin …..their agenda isn’t peace – their agenda is filling their fat ass pockets and jails –
That shit is HARMLESS.
They should leave alone THE PEACE LEAF>>>>>>>
lol at 0:59 the l3ee is going phor the male pollen…why is the male even there? nool3 growers..
2 million dollars my ass
A sad day that was
Prohibition of cannabis is the most destructive policy since Slavery.
Prohibition It is based on corrupt individual such as Randolph Hearst, DuPont, Big Oil, Harry J Anslinger, and Nixon. Not to forget about Reagan and the Bushes involvement with there holding in privet prison concession, big pharmaceutical, Alcohol, tobacco and the industrial private prison complexes.
No Arrest? Well at least something good happend. Lol 2 million. Yeah 2 Million for plants that just started budding. 99/100 grows don’t get caught, Can’t stop the production of herb baby.
aww damnit,thats horrible , they should have played the sarah mclachlan song like on the ASPCA commercials
they`ll never win&we`ll never stop growin`
they couldve recycled it or just give it to me (:
You just know that brother took a sample home!
omg i hate the police thats soo much good weeeed fuuck the po po
That buMble bee was so happy
Those poor beautiful babies.
@peaceinenp3 Well, Pure tobacco is as harmful as weed. But actual cigarettes would be like pesitsized weed. Both are shit.