Obama AG Against Prop 19 To Decriminalize Pot In California

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Welcome to the bloodbath liberal cocksuckers!!!
The prop requires californian ID cards instead of medical cards so that solves the drug dealers coming in and making profit elsewhere for the most part, right?
$10 a gram around here… It will hardly change, if you can’t afford that then well idk..
Yes on 19, cause if your not laughing at this situation, your an idiot. Plain and simple
All the way from London UK:
Legalization will benefit this country greatly!!!!
I love how he says “cost keeps me from doing almost everything” as he sits behind his mac XD
@ys1337 Ahahaha
@iindependentashlii If you vote No on Prop 19 your a fkn terrorist period
use f alcohol is beneficial for you health and the abuse of alcohol is bad foy your health,use of marijuana is bad for your health abuse is even worse, people get you facts rights and quit winning, marijuana use and abuse kill brain cells,and give you cancer at a 10 times higer rate than tobacco and there are hundreds of recent scientific studys that prove it, alcohol is proven to be good for you health if used correctly prox about a glass of wine a day, now im not against legalizing but dont bs
AnD think of it people alcohol was made legal in cali too
One million percent? What a putz. No on prop 19.
Legalize marijuana?
What is the point of smoking marijuana. If you’re a teenager, or a typical adult, that does not have any illnesses, what is the point of smoking marijuana?
To get high. Don’t lie, you just want to get high, feel good and socialize.
What would the society do with a 1/3 of the population high and giggly?
Think about it. Legalize marijuana? No.
good luck for the guy on the right who thinks its easier to make it legal by just asking federal government.
fuck these dumb idots. THINK PEOPLE ITS NOT ROCKET SCIENCE!!! u can smoke cigs n die but cant smoke marry j ? u can drink beer, liq, vodka, wine, etc and u can over dose on that shit….YOU CANNOT OD ON POT!!!! the gov is being so fucking contradicting
ben are so wrong on this one
The approbation of the prop 19 is the only hope for Mexico people to stop all the violence; our government will not stop this war against narcotraffic until something force it. The stupid war of Felipe Calderon, transformed our country into one of the most violent and unsafe countries of the world, for him all the innocent victims (childrens, women, students, etc) are just a “colateral damage”.
Please CA people think about it, we need your help.
Turks are chumps. Pot is on the way to be legal. Stfu and embrace CHANGE.
By bashing pot, you accept the current vices on the market which are much more damaging then THC. By providing a cleaner legal alternative for escape you give people the chance to drop harder drugs and just get lifted. The only reason it’s been illegal for so long is because any moron can grow a plant making it hard to tax. Down with the man, keeping us down. Dupont can suck it for depriving us of such a simple bliss.
@stevechila lol that’s not cheap retard
@kneller420 Fuck yeah son!
why are you pro states rights when it comes to drug legalization but against states rights when it comes to opposing health care? are you a federalist or not? do we have an all powerful federal government or not?
people is also unproductive under the effect of alcohol .. and they also turn back to normal…
its almost the same … just vote yes
@ESJAY5150 Not everyone will smoke pot because it is legalised. And pot only makes people unproductive while they smoke. (And even then, some people are more productive when they smoke.) When people do not smoke, they are back to normal.