Obama protest in Denver, CO.

On Feb. 18, 2010, President Barack Obama appeared in Denver, CO., to attend a fundraiser for Sen. Michael Bennet. Although entry tickets were sold out, I joined more than 100 people outside the Fillmore Auditorium who were there to protest Obama’s perceived interference in local politics, health care reform, and the recent DEA busts on mediacl marijuana dispensaries and growhouses in Colorado. In 2000, Colorado made legal medical marijuana, and at the beginning of his term, Obama promised that his administration would not prosecute or seek to punish medical marijuana patients, dispensaries and subsidiaries who were operating under state law. Copyright 2010, all rights reserved. For more coverage on Colorado news and politics, visit www.OutFrontColorado.com
Damn, I expected to see the Denver PD cracking some skulls. Nobody enjoys having a go at the local citizenry quite like these guys. Keep up the good work!