Obama’s unKIND BUD to Medical-Marijuana

Propaganda released via the San Fransisco Chronicle, claims that Attorney General Eric Holder said raids on California Medical Marijuana Dispensaries will cease. However, Holder doesn’t make that statement, nor does he offer an explanation as to why his DOJ oversaw raids on California Medical Marijuana Dispensaries, contrary to promises made by Candidate Obama on the campaign trail.
obamas giving corporate america all are fucking money?hes worse than bush.pot
eats your brain/memory and makes people paranoid and FUCKING CRAZY
EVEN OFF IT through yrs of abuse
fuck you quit trying to sensor free speech we aret buying your racism and hate speech game anymore your whole party is starting to crumble, im not a rep by the way i do agree with what they say but i wasnt for mccain either he sucks to barack hussein obama= worst president ever since jimmy carter and bill clinton
LOL hahaha what a faggot, read what you just said.
why don’t you just shut up already about my president before you end up getting arrested for spreading propaganda and vulger hate speech!
I am a user of marijuana. I have a spinal cord injury and would be prescribed it if it were legal in my state. However, the prohibition of marijuana is complete bullshit. It should no more be illegal as alcohol, and if nicotine is legal, then there is absolutely NO reason to keep this innocent and helpful herb schedule 1 drug on par with heroin!?!!!
So, instead of fighting for medicinal use, i fight for lifting the prohibition altogether. I hope all thinking people out there will join me!!!
obama is actually going to secretly breed the THC out of marijuana after he makes it leagal. Then he is going to replace all bullets with look alike blanks. The people will think that they are shooting real bullets.
thats how obama does things , in secret. for instance , I’ll bet you thought that the economy was in bad shape.
JohnR22926 – and ‘Kid’, you are both so right ! I am one of those spine patients on morphine who can’t walk or sit without it, living with sick nausea like having food poisoning all day…Yet, I have no pot ID card. I saw the 60 minutes show and see this in LA, on webboards. The folks who went right out to get it joking about malingering, yep ! Drug seekers. While the people the law was for can hardly walk, vomit, and suffer afraid they’ll lose thier main medication of they get a pot card ! TRU.
Yeah, because people who smoke pot go out and commit violent crimes all the time. Educate yourself and quit spreading propaganda. You only make yourself look stupid. People aren’t buying that story anymore.
I was in favor of medical marijuana until I saw the 60 Minutes segment on the program in california. Bottom line is the program is completely out of control, it’s easy to buy a bogus prescription from a quack for $100, and the VAST majority of people participating in the program have no medical disability at all.
And is anyone really surprised? Who on earth would think that the govt could effectively run this program…they can’t even deliver the fucking mail on time.
show me some facts that could possibly lead any halfway intelligent person to that conclusion
I’m sure crime rates will sky rocket now in the next 4 yrs.
Obama makes promises, then breaks them. What’s so surprising about that? =^[.]^=
wow, great rant. i agree this has to stop, why don’t we just leagalize it allready and reap the profits. use the money to pump the system up. becuase not only could u smoke it and pay the states bills, you could use it for the thousands of other benifits this wonderful plant brings. lets see if obama has the sack to take on this one , i dout it though.
Five Stars!!