Only the Ignorant Appose Legalizing Marijuana

Since we seem to get closer and closer to actually legalize marijuana. . . It seems like a ridiculous amount of studies are coming out alleged marijuana or marijuana altered DNA causes cancer. . . But in all these studies apposing marijuana, there is one thing in common, there are no statistics about the study or even evidence of a correct analysis. I look back over the years and remember reading thousands of articles with hard cold facts and statistics on marijuana helps fill in diseases and disorders. As of today, marijuana is the only substance, the nausea and heals at the same time, makes you hungry, perfect for the patience, the experience of a severe illness. Unfortunately, we are all victims of a boring commercial breaks to go on TV, but have you ever heard the laundry list of side effects for our top anti-depressants or anti-worry? It is ridiculous! Marijuana seems to help a hell of a lot more than it hurts anyone. “Penalties against drug use should not harm, as an individual use of the drug itself. Nowhere is this more evident than in the laws against possession of marijuana in private and personal use.” President Carter For example, let’s say, I’m afraid I had had a long day at work, flat tire on the way home, and they complete my air conditioning quit working. So I decide to try this new prescribed anti-anxiety drug my doctor. . . So I see a pill to pop and wait to see if it works. . . Suddenly I feel an overwhelming of nausea. (Fill in the side effect of your choice, there are thousands, nausea, headache, vomiting, diarrhea, thoughts of suicide, delusions, or to name a few.) That does not sound all that I want to be a part. So let’s re-wind, instead of trying an anti-anxiety pill that I take a little marijuana. This time I take a seat on the couch, grave a paper and prepare a rolled nice Jay. Flip on the Discovery Channel and Fire It Up, this time side effects are hungry, happy, and perhaps sleepy. So instead of a chemical drug manufactured in a factory, I take a drug that has grown up in the wilderness, by Mother Nature. Instead of thoughts of suicide, I am learning about the wildlife in Africa. As far as I was told that America is a democracy that was with an eye, says 60% of America, they would like marijuana to be legalized. Crime and violence can only marijuana in difficult areas with major drug-money exchanges are available. Take the crime of marijuana, and all you have is a life saver for millions is on the left.