Parents need to know about fake weed

The Contact Five Investigators went undercover in smoke shops, and not only did we find this drug, we’re buying it.
The Contact Five Investigators went undercover in smoke shops, and not only did we find this drug, we’re buying it.
INDIANA (Indiana’s NewsCenter) – The Fort Wayne, New Haven and Kendallville City Councils will discuss their proposed synthetic... Read More »
Kit contains everything needed for plants to achieve greater health, productivity, size, yields, brix levels, nutrient density, and... Read More »
i think the media and parents who want to raise good little kids should be more worried about other drugs than this and pot. instead of trying to ban this people should try and ban alcohol. look at the long lasting effects it does to ones body if you get addicted to it and the ever lasting effects it does to a family. but alcohol is totally legel and is socially accepted….
i’m sorry to tell you news team if you go into a smoke shop you are going to get i.d. checked.if you look 18 and under and that idiot on the floor was probably starting out doing drugs. yeah the news investigator didn’t checked because he looked over 18 dumb asses. and those news anchors probably smoked it after they got off work….. i’m a parent of 3 kids and i used to do drugs a long time ago and there are a lot more drugs to be worried about tahn marijuana and “fake” weed.
my friend and me have 400 bags of it we found an un opend box of it that fell out of a truck we smoke it everyday haha nothing ring with it
i have a 15 yr old son who bought it and was not checked for i.d. after talking to him and some of his friends, app.75% of places that sell it dont ask for i.d. this stuff is bad and it has caused ALOT of parents ALOT of grief….it’s hard enough to raise children without this added poision
they didnt do an id check because the guy who bought it was probably in his mid 30s and didnt look like a child stupid news team
“Serious long term health effects.” You mean like… cigarettes? Haha