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PLEASE! HELP ME! – Satire?

PLEASE! HELP ME! – Satire?

hey you guyss…i have a satire assignment due tommorw…nd i need ur help to see whether this article is an satire or not… i really need help in the ending. I do not know how to end a satire… am i supposed to relate to realty afterwards or continue my concrete satire plase help me !!!

here is my ariticle – plase tell me what could be improved and how you would make the changes ! 😀 thank u guys sooo much!
March 22/2009 – The day when politicians won their right on the legalizing of all useful medicines and drugs. Many of these medicines including of Marijuana has become the recent treatment and aid to sick patients.
Over the past week, Canadian import companies have received more than five thousand crates full of “goods” that would be used for the saving of many people lives that are in pain and/or in critical health conditions.
Many local scientists in therapy departments have found no other treatment in diseases other than inhaling deadly chemicals and second use of needles. Experiments have shown that harming the body would allow the nervous system and brain to not function as properly, triggering patients to avoid any experience of pain or discomfort.
“There is no other choice…” said Dr. Johnson, Professor of health medicines Canada “These medicines are 100% ineffective and efficient, and is our only method of helping our patients”
Twenty-two billion dollars has been spent by the government for shipments allowing Canadian citizens to get their hold of medication at their local pharmacy or clinic. Many including Layla, the mother of 3 children, claim that relief-free medication such as Tylenol and Aspirin have no thesis behind its use or purpose.
“It’s unbelievable!” says Layla “What’s the point of taking Tylenol or Aspirin when no absolute instant heal be felt? Why is it being put on store shelves at the first place?”
Out of the few, 15% of all Canadian citizens object on the legalizing of what they call “harmful” drugs. About 450,000 Canadians consider having these “harmful” drugs their last solution as medication, and believe that there are many other solutions or treatment that could cure today’s diseases.
“Why?” questions Fred, an undergraduate student in Computer Science at Ryerson University, “Since when does our era believe poison should be legalized let alone being used as medicine”

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