Rate my yugioh deck+ (Tournament)? 1-10?

Monster Cards:(20)
Gaia the Fierce Knight
Curse of Dragon
Black Luster Soldier
Millennium Shield
Obnoxious Celtic Guardian
Dark Blade
Des Lacooda
Medusa Worm
Mask of Darkness
Flame Manipulator
Misaki the Legendary Swordsman
The Trojan Horse
Goddess with the Third Eye
Big Shield Gardna
Dream Clown
Goblin Attack Force
Magic Cards:(14)
Monster Reborn
Mage Power
Junk Barrage
Pot of Avarice
Magical Mallet
Swords of Revealing Light
Black Luster Ritual
Magical Stone Excavation
A Wingbeat of Giant Dragon
Lightning Vortex
Heart of Clear Water
Heavy Storm
Brain Control
Double Summon
Trap Cards:(6)
Magic Cylinder
Torrential Tribute
Magic Jammer
Gravity Bind
Coffin Seller
Shadow Spell
Gaia the Dragon Champion
Flame Swordman
I’m sorry but this wouldn’t stand a chance in a tournament. Cards like Gaia are outdated andd most good decks need synchros. There’s also no theme.
U wont be able to enter tornement because u have forbiden stuff sorry so i have to give u a :
horrible, no theme, cards are outdated, you will lose horribly, a starter deck can beat you, thats how horrible it is