rate the yugioh deck that i intend on making?

aicient gear gajiltron dragon
aicient gear gajiltron chimera
boot-up soldier – dread dynamo
green gadget
red gadget
yellow gadjet
gear golem the moving fortress
aicient gear golem
exxod, master of the guard
great spirit
giant rat
guardian sphinx
stone statue of the aztecs
golem sentry
moi interseptor cannons
megarock dragon
guardian statue
medusa worm
launcher spider
sphinx teleia
andro sphinx
siesmic crasher
manticore of darkness
theinen the great sphinx
mine golem
dummy golem
destroyer golem
rock ogre grotto #1
royal keeper
mucus yolk
tribe infecting virus
homunculus the alchemetic being
alpha the magnet worrior
beta the magnet worrior
gamma the magnet warrior
valkyrion the magna warrior
stronghold the moving fortress
ultamite offering
ordeal of a traveler
piramid of light
compulsory evacuation device
a hero emerges
dna transplant
dna sergery
spirit barrier
coffin seller
curse of darkness
curse of anubis
judgement of anubis
wall of reavealing light
brain control
premature barial
magical mallet
shifting shadows
pot of avarice
mousoleum of the emporor
this is not the finished product, i will still be adding more cards but please tell me what you think!!!
Try to trim it down to 35-45 cards. Otherwise you’re over thinking it.
I honestly think as a fan of yugioh u might ave a smash deck on ur ands but if thier is 1 thing i wanna know is what will it be called and can i know if it does come out where and when so i can buy it is sounds so f***ing good man can’t wait 2 get em
P.S DON’T GIVE UP Designing the best decks and all ways keep on dreaming of the cards new and improved
No offense, this is too many cards. I think this could fill a whole collection of Duelist Genesis! Take out cards, don’t add too many, and m.s.t would help. It’s best that you construct a themed deck instead of too many different card types like rock, dragon and others.
Good luck!
so cool
7/10 to many cards