Seller of home will NOT accept my bid because I ate food at the showing. Is this legal?

I viewed a home with my realtor last night and as anybody in the market for homes know, the owners leave while the realtor shows you the home. Anyway, I was looking at a very nice house and noticed a crock-pot filled with beef stew on the counter.
I went to view this home right after work so did not have time for my supper. While the realtor was going through his checkpoint of the home I grabbed a fork and helped myself to a fair portion of the beef stew directly from the crock-pot (I did not want to dirty any dishes).
I placed a bid on the home and from what I understand by far the highest. However, I got a call from my realtor stating the owners refused my bid because they knew I ate some of the beef stew in the crock-pot. Realtor stated they were “disgusted” I ate the food.
My question – is this legal? Can they NOT sell me the house just because of this?
Legal…They can choose to refuse any offer for any reason.
I’m not sure of the legality of it, but that IS disgusting!! I wouldn’t accept your bid either. Would you want someone eating straight out of your Crock-Pot??
It’s there choice. What a dumb mistake you made. I have never heard of something like this. Hit up a drive thru. They can sell to whoever they want. Next time bring a snack with you.
wow, who really does that? they can turn down any bid for any reason whatsoever. it’s THEIR house.
Yes they are the owners and can say no to any bid or yes that’s is why they are called bids. Not a guarantee.
I would of ate the stew too, simply because when people do open houses they usually have appetizers and I would of assumed maybe they were concidering the time of day it was and wanted to do dinner. Did you wash the fork?
That was pretty rude that you did that & probably pretty embarassing now. You realize that they probably threw the stew out when they realized that you ate out of it.
I am not sure on the legalities of it, but remember that it is a buyers market and you shouldn’t have any problem finding another house.
Ok, it was funny the first time, not the 2nd and 3rd posting, man!
Legal, moral & ethical. The owner is right.
Sure it is legal..
The seller found you to be a rude and disgusting person
and wanted nothing to do with you…
It is a private sale and they can sell ( or not sell ) to anyone
they wish…
I just checked and you have posted this same question
4 times in the past 4 hours…
Don’t you understand yet ?
Was the stew tasty and delicious?
If so, then perhaps a kind letter of thanks is in order. If it was vile and repugnant, then perhaps you should send them a bill for your time.
do you know most home owners put something in the oven to make the houses smell good. be it cookies or a crock pot full of THEIR dinner, you would not want some stranger eating your dinner.. how rude…next time grab a burger on your way. legal or not i would not sell to you.
Wow, you really show no restraint! This is funny, you couldn’t make this stuff up……Obviously this buyer, found this terribly offensive, next time, eat before you go to an see a home or show more restaint…..She has the right to refuse any offer, sorry….
my mom is a realtor and…
ONE: as people said, they can choose any bid they want even if its only $1.00 compared to $100,000,000. for ANY reason they may have.
TWO: someone posted that they would have done the same because sometimes they put out food for their guest.
–this only happens when it is an OPEN HOUSE. in regular viewing home owners don’t put out food because they never know when someone is coming until 30 min to an 1 hr before.
—even if they left out food they would have paper plates/bowls and plastic utensils out for the viewers… and it would be set by the door or dining room.
what you did was wrong, i am sorry. it is sort of like going through private property.. that was the home owners meal… not yours…
this is legal what they are doing .. period..
and as someone said before.. drive thru’s and snacks…
Sorry, but i went and looked at your questions..
you need to think before your actions.
The seller has the right to accept or reject any offer they receive.
It was very disrespectful for you to help yourself to the meal they had prepared for themselves.
If you REALLY want that house, then maybe you should send them a letter of appology along with a gift certificate for a nice restaurant in the area.
Completely legal. My wife and I put in a bid on a house a few years that was rejected. Our agent called the seller’s and asked why. They said that although our bid was higher they accepted a different bid because the seller was in the army and he noticed that the other offer was from someone also in the army so they took his offer. The seller has the right to accept whichever offer they want regardless of differences in price, etc.
You made a stupid mistake by doing this. Why did you think it would be ok to eat their food? Would you have wanted someone to look at the house you sold and eat your food?
Could you please update with your name and city so I can be sure to avoid you as well?
You have some serious issues. They were right to bounce you – your agent should do the same.
There’s more to an offer than price. The sellers are committing to a long and complicated transaction with you. If the buyer is a slimy amoral self-centered user (I think I’m being generous) then the transaction will not go smoothly.
They can do whatever they want to do–they own the house. If they discriminated your offer because of your race, age or any other factor then yes, it would be illegal–but your bad behavior and their refusal based on that is not illegal.
I am shocked that your realtor even let you get away with this type of behavior. Most would have stopped you.
By the way…that is disgusting and totally rude. I hope this post was a joke.
Dude, how many more times are you going to ask this question? This is the fifth time already.
Didn’t your mother teach you any manners? Even if you were so ravenously hungry that you just couldn’t politely wait, you should have asked at the very least. Would you want someone to come into your home and help themselves to your family dinner?
Did you grow up in a barn? Even rudely taking some of their dinner, you even ruined the rest by eating directly out of the pot with a fork. I’m sure you wouldn’t feed your children strange-germ-ridden leftovers either. It might have been at least a bit less insulting had you bothered to dirty a plate instead, but not by much.
So, I think they were completely in the right to deny your bid. I would have too. No one wants a rude, ill-mannered, nasty man ruining a home they care about.
Completely legal.
You have some nerve doing that. Your agent may not tell you so but I’m sure that your agent is also disgusted with you. Respect other people’s property.
With the exception of certain applicable state and federal anti-discrimination laws (which do NOT cover this situation) they have complete discretion to accept or reject any offer for any reason, even if it is the highest offer. I sure hope this is a joke, because if not, that WAS absolutely disgusting.
they are perfectly within their rights. However, a note of apology is in order to the seller.