‘Sophisticated’ indoor marijuana farm raided

The Galveston County Sheriff’s Office detained three people early Tuesday, Nov. 9, 2010, in La Marque, Texas, after raiding a ‘sophisticated’ indoor marijuana farm. Four people were charged with felony marijuana possession in connection with the seizure of more than 240 plants that weighed 45 pounds, authorities said. See galvnews.com for the related article.
Man if i was a cop and i saw that shit i would wait till everyone left and then just steal all that shit.
@cky94066 lmfao and look how many HPS lights they have 2! wtf? hows is this even considered large. this kind of bullshit would never happen in the bay area.
@Lantho650 hahah foreal! they should go spend their time and effort catching rapist n murderers!
lol this is a joke. marijauan so what? its not even cocain or herion.