State of the State: Washington Medical Marijuana Law – Seattle Hempfest 2008 (1 of 5)

State of the State: Washington Medical Marijuana Law Sunil Aggarwal Douglas Hiatt Alison Holcomb Dominic Holden Dale Rogers Dennis Moyers Steve Sarich
State of the State: Washington Medical Marijuana Law Sunil Aggarwal Douglas Hiatt Alison Holcomb Dominic Holden Dale Rogers Dennis Moyers Steve Sarich
Medical Marijuana is advancing in Illinois. Check out the latest story from NY Times: SPRINGFIELD, Ill. โ The... Read More »
Kansas appeals court addresses medical marijuana issue for travelers March 15. By TONY RIZZO. The Kansas City Star.... Read More »
Foxborough Needs to Establish Medical Marijuana District Following AG's Ruling โUnless somebody can articulate something specific I think... Read More »
yeah it would be a d bag move, kinda undermines the whole issue for those who do really do need it
i have torettes and migranes.once i get some insurance im gonna see if im a canidate for medical marijuana,i i dont trust pills lol
what if you dont “need” weed medically, you just like smoking it. would that be a d bag move to just try and get a pass?
AHAHAHA lol weak minded, good one. you really are a retard. alcohol is for the weak minded. marijuana is for someone who wants to expand the mind
i think depression and anxiety should be added to the list to
fuckin retard
hes a dumbass
You suck!!!
washington state needs to allow it for people with PTSD
post traumatic stress disorder
so you want to take away a medicine?
to take away any form of a medicine
is just bad
Damn, just legalize it. I don’t even smoke the stuff, but I’m tired of our prisons and jails being filled with people that smoke weed. Enough already. We have bigger issues to worry about than someone that wants to roll some weed and inhale it. If that is how they relax, more power to them.
screw Medical Marijuana that just keeps people weak minded we need medical steroids ask a hiv person and they will tell you its the truth. If you dont believe me look who is telling you this garbage.
looking for friends
i liked this video ๐ Bm
VOTE HEMP alongside MEDICINAL cannabis use for health liberty and economy!
farmers and patients unite with understanding citizens.
upthumb this.
Any assembly openly advocating the use of marijuana will be subject to fine and or arrest. State decriminalization of existing marijuana laws will loose all Federal Highway funding. Any individual, group, or oranization displaying or distributing, signs, T-shirts, posters or logos advocating the use of marijuana will be subject to fine or arrest. Posession of the smallest ammount of marijuana will result in a manditory 1 year county jail sentence, first offence. John MCain for president?
GREAT panel, end to end. And great, informative, thought-provoking discussion.
Thanks for posting this!