Step By Step Hydroponic Marijuana Grow Room Set Up for Beginners – I Grow Chronic Part 4 of 9

► ◄ If you are looking for a place to buy high quality cannabis seeds at a fair price, check out this link! It’s where I always order my seeds. ► ◄ discount grow lights do flowering marijuana does a flowering marijuana does hindu kush does the hindu kush dope…
hey man… this is hecka awsome n all, but what about the results!?, i wouls love to see em on here ya know?
“imma put in …… my one inch little nozzel ” lol
“im happy again” lmfaoo.. dudes hillarious
@jaspertodd there are different timers u can buy that have different settingsother then 1 a day !! just look around at hardware stores !!
@JohnDough1989 !!! if u want to just plant it, water it a few times then smoke it u need to stick with soil! go to a hydro shop and buy some really good soil and just use that with water !! and if u cant grow soil weed then ur retarted !!! lol
@JohnDough1989 THANK YOU!
This is too damn much.. I jus wanna kno how to put some seeds in a pot, grow a plant and smoke it.
@twizted0007 its the ghetto c02
1 second ago
WATTS LAW…………POWER {watts} = VOLTAGE x CURRENT {amps} P=E x I 20amps x 120 volts= 2400 watts times 80% = 1920watts. your only allowed 80%of the branch circuit breaker size…15amp breaker can only be loaded to 12 amps, 20 amp breaker can only be loaded up to 16amps..etc.Nevr forget the 80 percent rul
why not just put your reservoir under your pan and drain directly into the top. saves space and hardware.
I like Green Beans!
@jaspertodd Just get a different timer. Mine were less than $10 and you can turn it on or off every 30 minutes.
how does he have it set for 3x a day?my timer only has a turn on and turn off 1x a day.Can someone please tell me how that works.
what is bubble water is that just soda water
i want part 3 slut!
His voice sounds like George Carlin!!
fuking asshole theres no part one you cunt
i remember watchin this when i was 12.. thats right 2003 this vid is old probs older than 2003
My bubbleponics system is way better….
Sometimes I pee in the shower.
no you guys just didn’t find it I just watched it,
its been uploaded by somebody else though and it fits in perfectly W/ part 2 and 4
or 1st :[
This high ass mofo didn’t do a part 3?
dude where is 3 part?
Lol, there is no 3’th part…