Supporting Marijuana Could Lead To Teen Drug Abuse And Corrupt Society

Or not… The debate on marijuana has been hot all over the country lately, some states implementing medical marijuana, others decriminalizing, while some states even released hundreds of pot heads from jail. With such a variety of marijuana action, you begin to wonder what’s going through the head of politicians and presidents as they continue to drag on marijuana. Organizations like National Geographic have taken there scientific access and abilities to the next level, creating a documentary all about the treacherous tests done to apes and chimpanzees to skue the marijuana studies back in the 70’s and 80’s; during these governmental test these critters were suffocated to mimic the effect of brain cell loss, marijuana was never proven to cause brain cell damage at all. Recently addressed was Shirley Simson, National Institute on Drug Abuse, a pretty ignorant braud, she stated “As the National Institute on Drug Abuse, our focus is primarily on the negative consequences of marijuana use. We do not fund research focused on the potential beneficial medical effects of marijuana.” In response NORML Deputy Director Paul Armentano said, “NIDA has finally admitted to the world the ‘Catch-22’ that has been plaguing medical marijuana advocates and patients. Lawmakers demand clinical research regarding the safety and efficacy of medical cannabis, but the agency in charge of such research denies these studies from ever taking place. It’s tragic that these public officials have let political ideology, not science, determine American’s health decisions.” In 2007, U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) Administrative Law Judge Mary Ellen Bittner ruled that NIDA’s monopolization of marijuana research is not “in the public interest,” and ordered the federal government to allow private manufacturers to produce the drug for research purposes. In January of last year, DEA Deputy Administrator Michele Leonhart set aside Judge Bittner’s ruling. This week President Barack Obama announced his selection of Leonhart to be the DEA’s Director. What the hell is wrong with you politians and presidents, who’s paying you off, or are you just that ignorant? Some studies have become available, one very important study on MS Patients and Marijuana has proven to show excellent medical benefits, from reduce muscle spascity and regular muscle motion. The research does prove that cannabinoids may provide neuroprotective and anti-inflammatory benefits in MS however. While other conditions like Autism have also proven to be effective in adults and children; One mother reported that her son would unravel his t-shirt by eating the fabric, some days more than one shirt. She stated that obviously this would all have to come out, which turned out to be one painful experience after another. Other un-tolerable behavior was present, such as loud rude behavior at school. She finally decided it was time to try something new, she started giving her son THC pills and THC laced food. The very first day she tried this, she was waiting to pick her son up, as she looked over she saw her son standing there with a smile, wearing the same shirt he left in. I don’t have any kids yet, nor am I a women… but I’ll bet she smiled back with a few tears in the corner of her eye. So many people that claim marijuana has no benefits have never even tried it. Regardless of any studies done, how can you even state marijuana has no benefits on you if you’ve never even smoked it? You claim it’s destroying the youth, and supporting the black market, but come to think of it… that’s YOU. You’re ignorant philosophy on marijuana is supporting the black marketing by keeping a true herbal medicine illegal. 99% of this country takes sleep aid or is diagnosed with ADD, who’s to say a little THC wouldn’t help the situation. Regardless, if marijuana directly benefits you or not, you don’t have the right to say someone can’t smoke marijuana to experience happiness, joy, passion or how about just some normalness. Whether or not you have any symptoms marijuana directly effects or because your idea of a drug free environment doesn’t include marijuana doesn’t mean you have the power or the right to keep someone else from experiencing happiness, friendship, love, and good health. Just because you claim marijuana has no benefits for you, doesn’t mean it’s not saving the life of another person.