Teens Hospitalized from Smoking Legal Marijuana Substitute (Fake Weed)

RevolutionNews.US ~ FOREST LAKE – Four students hospitalized after smoking incense… One teenager suffered a seizure and three other youth complained of headaches after they smoke an new incense product in an apparent attempt to get high May 21. Police said four youth, one from Stacy, one from North Branch and two with no permanent address, were all transported to Regions Hospital after the 1 pm incident. Minnesota Poison Control officials examined the youth. Forest Lake Police Chief Clark Quiring said four youth, two age 17, one age 18 and one age 19, purchased an incense product called “Bayou Blast” from a local business. The product is believed to contain a form of synthetic marijuana called K-2. The teens told police they became ill shortly after they smoked the product. Packaging warns buyers the product is not for human consumption. Incense is commonly burned in homes to generate a pleasant odor and is not directly ingested. Quiring said Bayou Blast is a legal product that can only be sold to adults. “Smoking it is not illegal but it’s not smart,” he said. Valerie Doten, mother of one of the victims, implored the Forest Lake City Council to take action against stores that sell Bayou Blasters. “Shut these places down,” Doten said during the open forum portion of the council’s May 24 meeting. She added that although one ingredient in the incense is an artificial form of THC, the active ingredient in marijuana, the incense is not considered a controlled substance in …
@Jiyuhl they cant just hang bro they were too high and couldnt handle it..
All it is, is random herbs laced with jwh-018, 073, ect. Just try not to consume 10mg to every kg of your body weight…. or any of it at all :). Please burn these responsibly. And not f*ck this up for everyone.
And if real cannabis was legal, no one would by it. Real cannabis hasn’t put anyone in the hospital and there are no confirmed deaths, EVER! 100 million Americans cant be wrong.
the govt is starting to try to make ALL natural medicines illegal!
the FDA has convinced mainstream medicine that costly drugs are the only answer to all our health worries –despite their dubious track records and often-deadly side effects. This, while muzzling (and muscling) the safe, natural, affordable alternatives
it takes this stuff a min to kick in! smoke a bowl and wait for it!! damn kids are going to ruin this stuff for everyone! but…if theyd just legalize hemp and mary j no one would even bother with this man made crap!
lol this shit happened at my school. i just laughed so hard
wow, smoking chemicals is legal… but smoking a natural plant is illegal.
the reason marijuana is illegal?
fuel paper fiber food medicine!
I heard ur supposed to only take like 3 hits of this stuff and ur baked.. JWH-018 is the chemical that is sprayed onto the herbs and it is a lot more potent than THC on bud. The fools ending up in the hospital are the ones rolling fat blunts and smoking more than they should.. they should do some research beforehand and they wouldn’t end up in the hospital lol.
hahahaha!! That is funny!…that the video lenth is 4:20 LMAO!
the video length is 4:20 hehe
Kind effed up what’s happened ?? …
Freshmen are 17 18 and 19 now? What has this world come to?
Fox “News”=Over Bias one-sided “we are the most un bias network” republican bullshit…why did it play twice?
@Zares28 in my defence it was my first time and it wasnt having any effect on me for awhile and after i smoked way to much it hit m and thats when it happened : l
@323232rob fucking noob lol
hahaha yeah right, they was just havin a whitey cuz they cant handle it
@HearingEveryRhyme Part II: If you lost hearing I’d be worried. Are you talking about real herbs? If you blacked out, it could have been laced. If you were drinking, it was the alcohol and the pot made you sleepy, don’t cross, you don’t know how much you are drinking in that state. A loss of hearing might have been one of those things when you’re high and you freak out, or it might have been real, if there was an actual loss, it was laced. I’ve had times were I think I can’t blink, but i am.
@323232rob blacking out or sleeping? PCP can cause you to black out. I’m not a stoner but I’ve had experience. The other day I smoked some stuff from a guy who I don’t know real well, and I was by myself and I lost my vision and everything turned purple. It was probably because there was not enough oxygen in my head or too much. I was worried it was laced and started freaking out, but then I called him and he was willing to sell me more, even after I asked it was laced, so I doubt it was.
@HearingEveryRhyme has this happened to u aswell ive blacked out before while smoking weed and my hearing went for a minute
First off, never ingest substitutes. Second, it sounds like they were just tripping balls and freaking out. I’ve had moments with the real thing where I can’t see a thing b/c the blood rushes to my head and I think it was laced and that I’m dying. These kids are just retarded
it dont look like weed it looks like damiana fuck fox news always saying anything will kill you
Did anyone else notice the length of this video…4:20
that nigga was on ground havin a nice trip