The Prince of Pot and Jodie Part 1

Marc is facing 5 years in a US prison for selling marijuana seeds. Go to to do your part to help him and Jodie.
Marc is facing 5 years in a US prison for selling marijuana seeds. Go to to do your part to help him and Jodie. Check out this link now if you want to learn more about growing weed or buy the... Read More »
Day 21. Using 1 WHITE florescent light and 1 YELLOW florescent light. Each light is 100watts that give... Read More »
Grow Maxx’s grow guru Dave shows you how to start seeds totally hydroponic and with little or no... Read More »
how could i minor help ?
WE NEED TO SAVE MARC EMERY!!! LEGALIZE POT!!! He is in Prison for the dumbest reason in the world…. America, stop telling people how to life there life for money.
Yeah, money that is used for political activism. We can’t do much? Write letters. Participate in politics. If you think otherwise you are a shitstain. As much of America, you are talking out of your UNINFORMED ASS. As an American, I am ashamed of you. For the record, you’re right. It is all about the money. Traction to get medical marijuana’s foot in the door owes at least some of its support from Marc’s checks. Fuck off.
Fuck you. thats what he’s done.. gay ass stop hating.
Your just gay thats all. stop hating on a millionare weedsmoker who has a way better lifethan you. ahhaaa fag.
Your just mad cause he/s a miilionare who smokes he best in the world and his life doese’nt suck like even after 5 years fed time his life is still ten times better than yours. Faggot. why do you think he wants to stay free so bad? you idiot. by the way. Your so fuckin gay tht you dont even have to go to jail to get rammed in the ass lol weres your lube? lol
wat a big headed cock god he is so full of shit rot in jail u turd burgular
what have you done for the people?
aahhaha shut the fuck up you should apreciate any help you get you big headed fuck chin up your going to jail ahaha remember to pack some lube
I can’t believe a 47 year old man wrote this pathetic cowardly, immature horseshit.
What kind of douchebag names himself killer21165 ?
Free Marc Emery.
Be optimistic. Always be aware of your surroundings. TRY NOT TO WITNESS ANYTHING. You’ll do fine. Don’t worry. Biggest thing. And I will get you out dude. I’ll do everything in my power I just hope you would do the same. And I know its hard to do but, don’t worry. Jody don’t worrie either. Just remember too there will be one day when you guys looking back at this all and you’ll be saying damn Im glad thats over with. They can put you in prison but, they can’t imprison your mind. mediate alot.
Gosh I don’t know what to even say. The County jail sucks i wouldn’t even know what to think about prison. Just keep stocked up on commisarry. Jail house burrito’s are the bomb. Mix up up spread I guess. Get sent as many reading materials as you can. Reading the bible in jail can be a bad idea so steer clear of that if possible. Tell ghost stories shit like that. I used to make animal noises to amuse the other inmates. Stay out of the dayroom. Theres nothing but, trouble there.
Well Marc if you were wondering why we have such a hard time getting Cannabis legal the answer is down there stupid fucks like Killer. I bet if you said boo to him he would run like a little girl. I know you have done good things with the money you got from the seeds I have been watching you since 1999 so when dumb asses like Face Fuck down there say shit like that I know better
Love you!.. and ill miss you marc,you are the Man! Be stronge you will over come.Love the posters and shirts and all the stuff youve done for all the pot heads.Thanks for the seeds the mags and all the things i love about pot, you have given each and every one of us.Everything free about pot marc has given us and no one eles.Thank you marc. 🙂
Jack Herer is someone to respect, not Emery.
Maybe he should stop selling merchandise about himself. To top it off he calls himself the Prince of Pot. Yeah, we get it Marc, you’re so special.
You are a fucking asshole. How can you say that he’s doing this all for money when he has given back all the money he’s ever made to the cannabis movement.
Enjoy your last day Marc and Jodie. I will be thinking about you tomorrow and everyday until Marc is free.
I tried to like this dude, but after watching so much of him I saw right through his drivel. It’s all about the money. It’s stupid for him to say that Americans have failed him, when in reality we honestly can’t do much. He should have known that what he was doing was going to get him sent to prison. At least he’ll have a 5 year tolerance break. He probably needs it the most.
Anyone who thinks Marc was out of place to be upset, you should try getting through an impending prison sentence in the US federal system without being angry. Marc has been 100% positive and optimistic all this time, for all these years, and now he’s losing his freedom and being shipped off to a foreign country — he has a right to be pissed. Anyone who goes to prison for marijuana “crimes” should be furious about it. Shame on all of you who think Marc doesn’t deserve support because he’s upset.
And who are you? Why do you think Marc doesn’t tip at restaurants? He does, by the way — and restaurant owners often give us gifts because they love Marc and care for him, and he treats them and everyone with respect. We have these shirts and posters because people are begging for them, they want to spread the message and support him. If you don’t like Marc Emery, then don’t waste your time watching any videos about him. And you’re a cruel person to wish rape on anyone. That’s extremely sick.
Have fun getting raped in prison you self-absorbed piece of shit. Marc, you act like you are some sort of God, when in reality you are a douche. I hear you never tip at restaurants, and here you are selling your merchandise. Why the fuck are you wearing that shirt, and why do you have that poster? You just want money and you are a narcissist. By the way, you don’t OWN any genetics, you just took them from other people and didn’t give them anything. Fuck off.
Dont listen to the trolls of youtube , bunch of loser in life , we all know that ,dont worry Marc we will save you…
Your a cold cold person , karma will come and get you real bad..You sound so mean to Marc , you were born a innocent little baby way back when , what happened you to make you so mean..
i will not be dying for marc emerys freedom anytime soon.
and on sep 19 i went to a rally not to support his freedom but to get blazed.
what a dooooooooosh baaaaaaaaag