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Tried marijuana again. Whats your opinion on when it will be out?

Tried marijuana again. Whats your opinion on when it will be out?

I’m going to save a lot of time by just pointing out these facts. I know that it is almost impossible, even for me, to guess how long it will take to get out of my system. But I do know that there are a lot of factors that affect it that work in my favor.

Now given that….

1. I’m 18
2. I’m pretty skinny
3. I drink lots of water
4. I exercise everyday for a few hours
5. I took maybe 5 hits of White Rhino mixed with k2 herbal smoke….Not much…
6. I’ve smoked maybe 5 times in my life, I smoked Saturday night at 1am (Technically Sunday) and the last time I did it before that was December 31st.

Like I said, I know I can’t get a right answer, only estimates, and I don’t expect to. But given all these instances that work in my favor. How long would you GUESS, from your own personal experience, that I will be able to pass a Urine Analysis?

Or how long would you guess till i’m in the “green”?

Should I dilute just to be safe?

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