Vapor Cigarette Brands – Smoke Remedy to Quit Smoking

Vapor Cigarette Brands
So you want to quit eh? I tried to quit smoking about 9 times before I finally kicked the habit. Quitting smoking was one of the most difficult things I have ever done. But, by begging of my kids and a great smoke remedy I was able to do it.
When I quit smoking it wasn’t one magical thing that did it for me but rather a mix of several things that I call my smoke remedy. I had tried several things before like the patch and gum and the fake cigarettes and even cold turkey, but I never really could stop smoking. I would quit smoking for a bit and then feel like I could just have one and it wouldn’t matter. Before I knew it it was 2 then 3 then 4 then I was a full blown chimney.
So here is the basics of my magical smoke remedy. First, I told my friends and finally that this was what I was doing. I just let everyone knew whether they cared or not. this helped reinforce in my mind that I was doing this and also my friends and family rallied together and offered a ton of moral support. I had several friends that did smoke and they were courteous enough to try and not smoke around me.
The rest of the plan:
– Drink lots of water, seems stupid to say but being hydrated helped me keep focused and not look for a nicotine drag to bring to my senses. Vapor Cigarette Brands
-Exercise- This is huge. Walk every day. Slowly start to lengthen that walk so you are walking about 45 minutes. This forces you to work out your lungs. Your lungs will heal themselves they just need a little help. Plus, you will feel winded at first. But after a while your body wants to feel good and you will feed that desire to perform better on your walks.
-Put something in your mouth – I used a toothpick, this helped for obvious reasons.
– Use an aid. Yes, I would recommended using something to help whether its the patch or the gum or a spray. I opted for a spray but it doesn’t really matter. These items do really work. But they should be used in conjunction with a health plan and psychological plan. I had tried the aids in the past but I didn’t change anything else. I kept the same old habits and then would relapse.
With the health plan and moral support plan when you do get over the hump( which for me was at month3) you have already changed your habits and are feeling healthy. Its much harder to take a puff knowing how far you have come and how far you could potentially fall back.
For me this was a pretty great smoke remedy. I hope you can use it to help yourself get healthy, if not for you do it for those that care to see you around for as long as possible. Vapor Cigarette Brands
“After years of trying, I finally Quit Smoking!
Now I live healthier and still smoking ? Vapor Cigarette Brands“