What flavours of rolling papers are the nicest?

And are there any ones tht should be avoided hehe
And are there any ones tht should be avoided hehe
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unflavored ones
just roll from swishers they taste so good when you roll them and they’re good to smoke too!
my favorite ones were watermelon or blueberry but it all depends on your taste i also had a peaces and cream one too it was pretty awesome
It all depends on your tastebuds. My faves are strawberry, blueberry and peach…and if you can find it “Kush” blunt wraps r awesome too. Grape should be avoided, I don’t know if its true, but some kind of chemical in the grape ones can cause heart attacks, just what I heard from my local gas station attendant when I was buying papers and wraps one day.
the thinest, smallest, unflavored is the best… enjoy the flavor of that you are smoking!
for example:when people start drinking, they usually take mixed drinks… old people drink everything straight up… there you go!
Stay away from watermelon! YUCK!! But the cherry seems to be good. These are blunt wraps though. The rolling papers I use just plain ol regular ones. They do not last that long anyway!
rizla blue
avoid the flavored ones, they make your joint look lame
stick to classic plain zig zags