What known street drugs have been made illegal and resold through pharmacies as prescription drugs?

I am doing a report on Marijuana Legalization, and one of the facts I need to support is how it is a street drug and shouldnt be used in the pharmacies, but I once saw a video about how most illegal street drugs are now used in pharmacies for ADHD and paint killers. I can’t find this video : (. So if you can tell me the names of street drugs and their current prescription drug name and what the prescription drug is used for.
Nevermind, I found the video
maybe you f___ing retards should educate yourselves
I think you have it mixed up. Drugs sold in pharmacies make their way to the street. It has been going on for years. On the street, prescription drugs become illegal drugs. Marajuana has a clinical use, however they are unable to find a way to extract THC from marajuana to make a pill out of it. THC only activates when you smoke it.
canam there has been a thc pill around for years and years i used to give it to cerian elderly patients to “give them the munchies”
Heroin is the street drug, but Methadone is the synthetic equivalent. It is not sold as a prescription drug it is given in methadone programs. It’s not sold, but they do charge the insurance of the one receiving it.
Methadone is a prescription drug. It is a very good long acting narcotic. All medications sold at a pharmacy comes with its pedigree. We know exactly where it has been. It is illegal to have any prescription drug without a prescription. Another prescription drug is Marinol-synthetic THC. It is currently only available in tablet form. An inhaler form is in trials.
Cocaine is a legal drug. It is schedule 2.