What must parents do when they discover that one of fheir children is a marihuana addict?

What must parents do when they discover that one of fheir children is a marihuana addict?
What must parents do when they discover that one of fheir children is a marihuana addict?
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learn to spell
first learn to spell marijuana
then learn that marijuana is not addictive
lots of kids use marijuana without being addicted to it.
As long as they are under 18, they can force them to enter treatment. Probably won’t work, but they can try. You can only control them for so long, then they are on their own.
Teach them how to roll nice blunts
Get a doctor appointment is first thing to do
Then get with the child’s school personal that has the ability to help
Then get with a support group
NEVER get the idea I can do it on my own
Because dealing with a drug habit is kind of like making someone to stop walking
In the task set before them
Look at the difficulty of someone wanting to stop smoking cigarettes can be
And they are legal
IT is important if they are under age to do everything you can to stop it before they get jail time or worse.
it is still illegal, My son is 24 and still addicted and has warrants.
He was caught for possession dui and paraphenila.
If you still have control take away the car, you can go to the license bureau and have the license suspended (better by you than by police)
Counseling, You can turn them in as a juvenile.
That’s a pretty broad question; by its nature, it’s difficult to give just one answer.
Personally, I’d say be supportive. Addictions by definition are hard to break. It is oftentimes harmful to rain down condemnations and insults onto an addict (even if you’re just trying to help them).
You could suggest to the child that he or she simply doesn’t need the drug and further that the drug is harmful to his or her mind and body.
Also, educate yourself. Don’t be convinced by faulty arguments from advocates for or against drugs (and believe me, there are plenty of those out there!). Be level-headed and remember that usually the louder someone is yelling, the more they want you to listen to them, whether they’re telling the truth or not. Examples:
“Pot will make your son kill his parents and get addicted to heroin and cough syrup!” That’s just not true.
“There’s nothing wrong with pot, man, it’s not addictive and it frees your mind and if you smoke it while you’re pregnant, your kid will be more creative!” Neither is this. This argument is actually pretty dangerous.
Finally, tell your kid that you love him or her. This is an oft-overlooked piece of the puzzle that may help you out more than you’d think.
As long as they are under 18 , they can force them to enter treatment.