what to do about rapist an baby killers in america?

we all know for fact that u cant fix a rapist or child killers ok so my question then is why do we tax payers spend millions of tax dollars to fix them????? and even after the prison term is over, the justice system sticks it back to our society an lets these guys loose on us with very little or no checking in on them daily, even tho american court system cant find money to police these guys yet if u r pulled over for a d.u.i. u get a real harsh penaltys, an steel a loaf of bread an u go to jail for yrs ok figurativly speaking , an the liberals say that we cant treat these guys bad because we suppose to be better then them rapist an such an our media is always doin the oh my god thing to make ratings higher, so instead of goin to the sex affenders homes an show who they are an such, but as like in the police who supose to protect us they always wiat till something bad happens then jump into the mix like they say were are the police wen u need them ?????? in dunkin donuts, of course, or they harrasing the public on small stuff like making wrong left turn or something, meening there sole priority is about the small stuff, ok not the evil stuff heck man a drug dealer is treated worse for sellin pot then a rapist is, an pot sellers go do big time jail for something every one even the former presidents did ok an obama ok so i ask when are we as citizens an the police an judicial system goin to keep the working class american peoples safe in our nation ok when??????? and whos political child will have to die before the laws in thius country changes to protect all of us not just the rich ok WHEN???????????, so if any cops or prosecutors or judges are reading this wen are u goin to do the real job u were hire for from the tax payers, an stop the harrasing of low stuff trafic or drug stuff an really crack down on these sex offenders, heck u can spend all day on these people an still get a few tickets out!!!!!!!, i wouldnt feel so bad in court for trafic if i see that u justice people are at leest tryin to do ur jobs, or at leest fake it so we can see results, heck states hire the parole an probation officers an it seems to me like they just collecting a check an sitting in alleys sleepin in thier cars an such, an yet they dont even loose thier jobs ether heck if i didnt do my job id be fired an fast ok, so y do these people all keepin thier jobs ok, yyyyy, infact the whole unit of probation from managers to the investigators, all should be fired asap, an just because they go to colledge an get degrees we think they gonna be good workers well dont this killings of the ohio women an the girl in california an all across this nation victims are being abused again an again ok but because the person doin this type of job( probation an parole) memebers get job because they know a politician or someone in the justice system an this is wat is thrown at the peoples, of our communities, ok so wen is this gonna stop an the states hire more regular peoples to do work ok heck even i could have done a way bettter job then these conected peoples, yet we got unemployment skyrocketing even hire every day ok so why cant it be fixed ???????? pleese help me to understand wat to do to make our streets in beutiful america a much safer place to live in ok an justice system wonders y we americans cant go on vigilantiy system of justice huh, at leest the sex offender gets a bullet an its all over with ok no more crimes from his end, an save millions of dollars in prison and parole fees, heck street justice bullet 2-dollars regular justice 40-thousand a average yrs, ok so do the math ok what should we really do ok what, to keep our women an kids safe ????????
Statistic: One in every ten women and one in every seven men has done or is doing something that is a sex crime that could be punished with imprisonment and sex offender treatment, registration, etc.
The majority of sexual offenses are against family members by a father, mother, uncle, grandfather or brother. Only about 1% of sex crimes are against a stranger. About 15% are date rapes.
So, since you have all the answers, what would you do with ten percent of the population?
We throw them in jail.
That’s really long and full of grammatical errors, so I’m not reading it.
i really didnt feel like reading that because i have a life (actually not because i spend some of my free time on here.), but my solution is to PUNCH THEM IN THE MOUTH… HARD!!!
Castrate them (if they’re male) and throw them in jail for the rest of they’re life or execution(my choice). For child murderers same as last answer except castration.