What To Do With All That “Green”…

It is difficult to pinpoint exactly how much you are throwing away on marijuana, if the time to sit down and a bit of quick math to take. How often do you buy weed, and in what quantity? Better yet, what you might otherwise spend that money? When it comes to the average amount of money they spend is their feeding marijuana addiction, accurate statistics are hard to come by. After all, the people are not sure how much it coming to an activity which is likely to spend in their country illegally. For purposes of this exercise we will assume that you spend an average of $ 35 per week marijuana. A week Weed-Free As with any addiction, addiction marijuana affects your perception of the problems it creates. A few dollars here and there seems to slip through his fingers only, so it helps to take a look at the big picture. If you end the decision, it really helps to relativize the problem. Note the number that you spend marijuana per week – $ 35, in this case. What else could you with an extra $ 35 a week? I personally would not mind to go to the movies, I stopped once took marijuana my life. Content just sitting on the couch and hang with other pot smokers smoking pot, I realized one day that I was not on the films in more than one year – something I used to like to do, once or twice per week. For a whole month without Marijuana If you quit smoking grass, on our $ 35 per week, for example, on base, you need an additional $ 140 per month to spend as you please. What would you do with $ 140? If I stop smoking pot, I took a look in my closet, and almost died of embarrassment. Once upon a time, I actually cared what I looked like. But at the height of my addiction marijuana, I must have stopped nursing. My clothes were looking old, worn and sloppy. My hair was shaggy and long. Sometimes I would not bother to shave for days. . . or weeks. Marijuana has this funny way to make everything appear also always high. . . non-existent. $ 140 goes to look a long way towards buying some decent threads! Six Months Off The Skunk In six months, you would have saved $ 910th Now we’re talking! With my energy rediscovered after I stop smoking weed, I wanted to do a little exploring to have, so I took a vacation. And I did not want to worry about, security controls remained with weed in my pocket! You might decide that the $ 910 to buy, would you car stereo system you already eyeing up, or maybe you could finally pay off that nagging credit card debt. Whatever you want. . . It’s your money! One year after the fall of the Yellow Submarine In one year, our $ 35 per week smoking weed has saved an incredible $ 1820th I do not know about you, but for me it’s a good bit of cash. Marijuana smokers are often shocked by the nature of their overall lifestyle changes after they stop smoking successfully, and it is no wonder! They discover the activities you enjoy and actually in the time and money to do them. One of my friends smoking weed shortly after I did and used a shoe box to the money he would otherwise have spent to collect the pot. Now would be a lot of people in the shoe box from time to dive, but he had discipline. Only after a whole year he has it empty and they count on. He had stashed away enough not to smoke marijuana to his girlfriend to buy a $ 2,700 engagement ring. And she actually said yes, because they could now picture the rest of her life living stoned with him (his proposal a year and a half gone yet not so good). They may decide that the money you save each week, by not only the smoking of marijuana will help you get by and pay the bills. Or you could save it for a long time and do something to do that you have always wanted. It’s up to you! The most important thing is that you clearly understand and realize how much you burn literally every week and what you missed this. And the best way to do this is to write down everything.