Who Can Sell Medical Marijuana?

Medical marijuana is now legal in fourteen states of the United States and each State has its own regime for distribution. If you want to start the sale of medical marijuana seeds in his own head shop or pharmacy, you have to think of the state rules. There is still a federal offense to sell or buy, make sure marijuana in the United States so that all the correct protocols are in place, and only to eligible patients what state you are currently logged verkaufenAlaska, Colorado, Hawaii, Montana, Nevada, Oregon and Rhode IslandObwohl medical marijuana is in all of the above states laws, purchase or sale of marijuana is still very much against the law. Therefore, there is no legal way to get the patient the drug and how the patient gets to keep their marijuana seeds is strictly to them. his patients are from one of the symptoms of suffering for which legalized medical marijuana, committed to a registry card, which they should buy them a defense caught red-handed with marijuana seeds on them. The registration card also requires a letter from a doctor, and all caregivers have to apply for medical marijuana patients for their own form of identification to registrieren.Arizona and New MexicoIn the Lone Star State and neighboring New Mexico, medical marijuana sellers must be licensed by the State . This allows them to sell or distribute marijuana seeds for the patients who have a medical marijuana registry card sind.KalifornienMedizinisches marijuana in the Golden State may be sold only through cooperation and collective. Although California led liberal approach to it the first state to legalize medical marijuana was the sale of marijuana seeds is not as easy as it is in some states. Cannabis collectives have rules for everything from parking laws for the use of licensed contractors comply. Owners also are a problem, if it to own a pharmacy and can make the difficult task yet problematischer.MaineDie Pine Tree State’s medical marijuana laws in California and echo seller must include an established cooperative or collective. Unlike in California collectives that develops differently in their city jurisdiction, how much can distribute medical marijuana providers, the law in Maine does not resolve this problem, and medical marijuana patients are advised to use discretion, if the collection of marijuana seeds Verschreibungen.Maryland and MichiganDer sale and distribution of medical marijuana is illegal in Maryland. But unlike Alaska and Colorado, where patients must register and fill out a card, are not, these rules apply Maryland. Maryland laws provide only an affirmative defense in court for medical marijuana patients, but with no predetermined list of complaints, which can construct the need for medical marijuana, this is often uncertain ground. The only real way someone can become a medical marijuana patient in Maryland, with a letter from a doctor – a process much easier said than getan.VermontIn Vermont, are affected by debilitating diseases such as HIV, AIDS, MS and cancer required register with their doctors as a medical marijuana patient. After receiving a registration card patients can grow their own marijuana seeds, although they grow to no more than two mature plants at a time.