Why are conservatives against marijuana?

Conservatives/Republicans supposedly advocate limited government yet they support spending hundreds of billion of dollars hunting down people for smoking a plant.
We’re not debating whether marijuana is inherent good or bad, that’s irrelevant. Cigarettes are bad but conservatives don’t try to ban those. I don’t advocate drug use. However, I am appaled that so many resources and so much force is use to stop and arrest those who do.
Primo…again irrelvant. I know democrats are just as bad on the marijuana issue but the Democrat Party does not claim to advocate limited government, they want a nanny state, so there is no hypocrisy there unlike the Republicans.
Lim smasher: Im not a liberal, quite the opposite. Im an agorist.
marijuana isnt as great as people think. it has bad effects to it too. i have seen what it does and its truly disgusting
Most of the Republicans I know could care less.
There are a number of them that use it. I do not. I find that escaping reality with a chemical to be a cop-out. Reality seems to be the better place.
I have been hurt real bad by people that used it.
Why are you DAMNED LIAR????????????? PRESIDENT obama is against marijuana and had is DOJ threaten to sue California if we made it legal during the last election. Most people in congress including DEMOCRATS do not want it legal. You/’re such an idiot. The only people that are trying to make it legal are Ron Paul
They have this “it’s okay for me but not for you” mentality.
The old double standard at it’s finest….
Right. Conservatives are the only ones against marijuana. Are you that much of a moron?
Most of us aren’t. Invalid generalization. Try again with a real question based on facts.Perhaps a good fact would be that Obama has ordered the DOJ to prosecute medical marijuana growers. It seems like this is another case of left wingers projecting.
fail – plenty of conservatives smoke weed. It is a non-partisan activity. duh.
Looking at a 2009 Gallup poll it shows that 28% of Republicans, 49% of Independents, and 54% of Democrats favor legalization. Liberals are 78%, moderates 46%, and conservatives are 27% in favor of legalization.
The west is 54%, the midwest is 34%, the south is 38% and the east is 44% in favor of legalization. Age groups are 50% under 50, 45% 50-64, and 28% over 65 in favor of legalization. All groups have more in favor of legalization than 2005 numbers.
What’s interesting are the regional differences. For some reason the east and west coasts are more in favor of legalization than the rest of the country. It could be because there is more diversity and things tend to change faster in those areas.