Why do people say that there is no federally recognized medical use for marijuana?

What about the US government’s Mississippi marijuana farm that sends monthly joints to some patients?
That should make Marijuana a schedule II drug instead of schedule I.
Why is Crystal Meth a schedule II drug?
I’d like to see some evidence of Crystal Meth use being medically better for somebody than Marijuana.
Can people read or do they skip over the details?
it’s true. all it is is an excuse for potheads to smoke weed
ah thats dumb. marijuana is for poeple with gluicoma(spelling)
they dont want to admit that they were wrong about making it illegal.
The state recognizes that its more beneficial to charge you $1500 for possesion. I’m pro-herb by the way………pot heads
do know only 10 people in the US is legally taking maryjane
The Federal Government can not make money from legalizing marijuana. But they can from the big pharmaceuticals, so they tell you that there is no medical use for it, but what they mean is “we can’t make money on something people grow for free.”
There should be more federally recognized use for it.
It helps in the aid of glaucoma and chemotherapy, just to name a few.
I could almost guarantee that if weed were legal, taxes would hardly ever have to be raised.
Lets legalize it!!!!!!!!!
I would love to see how burnt out some losers would get and stay.
This would open up more jobs when they did not show up for work cause they are burnt.GREAT FOR THE ECONOMY.
Most pot heads that want it legalized would not be able to afford it cause the Govt. would TAX the hell out of it.
Marijuana should be legalized. Why should the government tell a person what they can stick into their body. Keeping marijuana illegal is based on politics and old beliefs of Prohibition. This will not work. We are spending millions on arresting people who use pot. Our money would be better spent by legalizing pot and spending a lot less money in rehabs for other drugs.
The government knows they will make more money charging $800 for first time possession than charging $0.50 in taxes.
I think it does help Glaucoma. Pain relief.
I think Crystal Meth is used for ADHD people. Speed calms them down.
I’d be interested in a study done between pot use and increase rates of obesity. Which costs to America are astronomical.
Because its true. There are better meds for any condition period.
The gov’t can’t tax the corn or tomatoes I grow in my garden & they sure as hell wouldn’t be able to tax the pot I’d be growing if it was legal so the gov’t has no motivation to remove the illegal status. Methamphetamine has a different use but I think meth is much easier to abuse.
The Mississippi farm just supplies 10 or 15 patients, and enrollment is now closed. So it’s still schedule I. While what you said is true, it doesn’t really affect anything.