Why do people think Marijuana is bad for you?

I know this question has been long discussed before by anti-drug advocates (specifically use information from abovetheinfluence.com) and marijuana smokers alike.What I like to say is the most of the information given off by anti-drug commercials is a load of Bull**** a nice big steamy one too. Saying Marijuana kills off braincells haha and that people that Young people who use marijuana weekly have double the risk of depression later in life.. Thats even funnier! I have smoked before and I was in a deep depression before that and no i didn’t pressured into doing it I chose to smoke it by myself just to see what happened and guess what… I’m still alive! My depression if anything is the least of my concerns anymore! This “drug” people say is bad for you… well they just pull answers for you not to smoke it out of their ass.. probably because they never smoked it.. and if they did and said it ruined their life well… it all depends on the person NOT every smoker is alike if you didn’t like it then fine stop smoking it and saying it’s an addiction because I know it’s not I smoke like what, every few months. Please people get your facts right I used to THINK just like you guy’s so don’t try to tell me I fell into peer pressure and that I’m dumb for smoking it.
Answer with a question how old are you?
Yes smoking pot was fun but it does do some damage later on in life bro,
Who wants to be a “the day after smokin’ ” zombie for the rest of their life?
And working at Taco Bell get old.
Have your fun while your young, but be prepared to pay the piper.
It’s definitely not close to how bad cigarettes are to your health because cigarettes contain over 4,000 toxic chemicals 40 of which are cancer causing agents, but marijuana is linked to aggressive testicular cancer for males, slight respiratory damage, slightly increases the risk of heart attack or stroke, it slightly does damage to everything in your body but not as widely as cigarettes because when you smoke it, it releases carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide which are both toxic gases that shouldn’t be in your body and take place of oxygen which your body needs. Also the chemicals that affect your brain aren’t natural either and take a little extra work from your liver and kidneys to process them out, over years it will lower the health of either and your body overall, but like I said before it’s not nearly as bad as cigarettes, but it’s not healthy either for your body.
Well I’m 100% for it! I wished it was legal. People just dont know what’s good or bad for them. They get all their information from the news on tv, radio, internet, etc. But they don’t get it from the “right people.” Really the news is against it, like Fox News, they always lie about it. I’ve never seen them talk good about anything on that channel, that’s why I always turn it off. Like if a already stupid person smokes it, then they’re going to be dumb anyways, and that’s what gets noticed by the media.
Like you said, “probably because they never smoked it.” True, all the people I know talk crap about it and had never smoked it before. Now they are all smoking cigarettes, drinking, and taking prescriptions that’s the “American way.” That’s the best way to ruin lives. But the government overthrows the other stuff, like harder drugs. Saying mj is a category 1, that has no medicinal values and giving meth, cocaine, and etc a category 2. saying it has more medicinal values than mj. What kind of shit is that?
I’ve been smoking for awhile and it helped all my problems with depression, eating disorders. I’ll smoke til the day I die. There is nothing wrong with it, I love MJ!!!
Hope this helped some! Don’t really care for the ones saying its bad for you, cause they don’t know crap.