Why has no modern nation used Marijuana to get ahead?

Pro-MJ advocates pretty much claim that MJ is like a wonder drug. It is supposedly so versatile that it can make oil, food, rope, apparrel, energy, etc. etc. etc.
I’m sure it can do those things, but the advocates make it sound like MJ can dramatically improve things.
Well, if that were true, why isn’t any modern nation using MJ to pull itself up from the boot straps?
simply because to many highly connected people are making to much money to give a shit and keep their own resource going while cutting down anything that threatens their payroll
Modern nations illegalized Hemp Cannabis.
Hard to pull from the bootstraps with an illegal crop.
Maybe you noticed how difficult it is to reverse the laws that allow the use of Cannabis. A so called Modern nation is all caught up in regulating and making laws based on personal opinions and motives.