Why is my daughter acting like this?

I may not have worded my question correctly and I apologize but I don’t know what else to do. My daughter Valerie is 25 years old. She is a beautiful young woman and we love her unconditionally. Valerie has been doctor shopping. We looked through her purse and found 4 pharmacy cards. She is on 17 different medications which she says that it’s for back pain and we spoke to a doctor who says that she does not need to be on 17 different medications. This all started when Valerie turned 12. She would sneak out of the house and drink. She started prostituting when she was 12 and has used this money to buy drugs. She would tell people she was 18 and have sex with guys as old as 30. When she got released from juvenile detention, she would run away again and have sex with older guys. We did press charges against these men but she would not stop. She started smoking crystal meth when she was 13. We put her in rehab many times which had no effect because she would do drugs. She also did Crack, Cocaine, Heroin, Percocet, Exocine, Desyrel, Xanax, Marijuana. When she was 14, she got pregnant with her now 11 year old son Daniel. When the baby was born, he had to be moved to a level 1 pediatric care facility because he was born addicted to drugs. When she was 16, she got pregnant with her 9 year old son James. James is his middle name. His first name is Anthony but we called him James because Anthony was named after Tony, someone who was busted selling cocaine. She got pregnant again at 17 with her 7 year old son Michael. We are afraid she might be pregnant right now. She is an alcoholic, has no job, doesn’t have custody of her children, homeless, never finished high school and her I don’t know what to do with her.
This girl is a MESS. You need to force her to get help before something horrible happens. make sure you have those kids from her untill she gets help. If she has somewhat of a mind, she will get help for the kids. You need to have a LONG talk with her.
You did your part as a mother, you tried and tried but never succeeded. Don’t blame yourself, ever. There are people in this world that aren’t the best and this happens to many innocent families everyday. You have to accept the way she is and she’s an adult now with 3 children and she’s on her own. You can’t mess YOUR life up worrying about someone else’s who clearly doesn’t care.
tell here
Call the police
shes a mess. sorry, this girl is outta control.
take her kids, and send her to a facility.
her kids are still innocent. raise them right.
talk to the girl, and recommend some help.
after all you have done to try and help her, your job as her mother is done. you can only try to teach them so much before you have to step back and let whatever is going to happen, happen.
all you can do now is make sure those children are safe, happy, and healthy.
Until your daughter admits it herself that she has a problem the sad thing is you can’t do much 🙁
Is she still living at home?
If she is then perhaps it’s time for tough love and tell shape up or ship out.
I know it’s hard to witness your child your own flesh and blood do this to themselves, but until she hits rock bottom and then asks for help all you can do is watch.
I’m sure her dreams in life at one point were not to be a hooker or a drug addict 🙁
Try gently talking to her about signing into rehab and straightening her life out.
I wish you all the best.
Let her know that if she does get help you will support her in the following ways. Tell her you will only talk to her when she’s sober and in a public place (don’t let her near her home. You will be there for her and support her. If she doesn’t, you will no longer have contact with her, you will notify the police about her drug use, get her into a facility where she HAS to abide by the rules and where there is 27/7 supervision.
what you need to do is contact a&e and hit her with an intervention before something bad happens
phycologist ( how ever u spell it)
She is calling out for help but u guys arent hearing her or shes under peer preasure