Why Quit Marijuana? – The Effects of Marijuana on the Mind

Those who smoke marijuana are familiar with the “high” they feel when they smoke. This article discusses the effects of THC on the brain, as well as the negative effects of heavy marijuana use on the mind.How does Marijuana Effect the Brain?THC, the active ingredient in marijuana works on specific parts of the brains hardware, called cannabinoid receptors. Activating a cannabinoid receptor with THC creates a bunch of cellular reactions that eventually create to the “high” that you feel when you smoke weed. Cannabinoid receptors exist throughout the brain. They are most common in parts The areas of the brain that influence pleasure, time, memory, and concentration have the highest conentration of these receptors. Smoking marijuana regularly can overwhelm these receptors and cause some negative mental effects. Studies have shown that frequent marijuana use can rewire the dopamine pleasure receptors in the brain.What are the Negative Effects of Marijuana on the Mind?Research has shown that marijuana use lowers memory and other mental functions for up to a couple of days after smoking. If you smoke daily, or more, you may always be functioning at a below normal mental level. Studies have also show a link between weed use and mental problems like anxiety, depression and schizophrenia. The jury is out on whether marijuana causes, influences, even has any affect on these illnesses. If you have ever had a psychotic reaction to marijuana, you are more likely to have a psychotic break later in life than if you smoked and did not have one. Clarity of mind is one of the greatest benefits of quitting weed.One of the biggest issues I had with my marijuana addiction was how lazy and forgetful I was. The term for this is “amotivational syndrome”. People who smoke a lot of weed and are amotivational are what we refer to as “burnouts”. Some people can smoke frequently and be functional, some can’t. Personally, I believe that amotivational syndrome is marijuana-induced depression.Do you want to Quit Marijuana?After smoking marijuana for close to 10 years, one of the main reasons that I wanted to quit was to get my mind back. I feel like a different, better person now that I am not stoned all of the time. Most people can’t quit weed because they don’t know what to expect, or don’t have a plan.You can escape the stoner lifestyle! If you want to be fully prepared and successful when you quit marijuana, check out the Marijuana Addict website at http://www.marijuana-addict.com/
Reference : Marijuana Effects on the Mind
John Mckee is a recovered marijuana user who struggled to quit smoking marijuana. John started his marijuana addiction website in order to connect with, and help people who are trying to end their marijuana dependence. Over the last 2 years, John has researched marijuana addiction and has become an expert on how to quit smoking marijuana. He has helped more than 1250 people quit in the last two years. More information about John, and how to quit weed is available on his website at http://www.marijuana-addict.com