Wisconsin Activist Actions – July 2011

Activist Actions – Each month, we are going to highlight events that are going on in Wisconsin. For more information, visit one of the following websites: www.NorthernWINORML.org www.WisconsinTeapotParty.com www.sewisconsinnorml.org www.madisonnorml.org www.winorml.org NORML Jay Selthofner (www.jayselthofner.com discusses upcoming Cannabis Activist events around Wisconsin for July 2011. Selthofner gives some friendly advice for field activists to use in their continued efforts and some of his additional insight developed from his work as a cannabis consultant. (www.selthofnerconsulting.com Activism takes time, money, and hard work – all of which is donated by the people who organize and support these types of awareness events. Please do your part to support the activists who spend their time and money fighting for marijuana law reform, by doing business with these like-minded people so they can afford to continue their efforts. Woodpipes Smoke Shoppe – organizer of The Cannabis Fair – in Kendall, Wisconsin (www.facebook.com Doyou need a Medical Marijuana Merchant Account? (www.selthofnerconsulting.com Do you need a professionally designed website? (www.selthofnerconsulting.com in conjunction with (www.greenwebdesign.com) can help! Do you need a domain name or web hosting? (http ### Video by Jessica Franke (www.jessicafranke.com), Secretary and Webmaster of Northern Wisconsin NORML (http
Go Wisconsin
Harvest Planning Meeting is July 17th 3-5pm…that is Sunday, not Saturday…sorry for the mix up…but the July 17th date is correct.