Yes on 19

It’s time to end the insanity and end marijuana prohibition. FULL TEXT: 500000 Californians have been arrested in the past ten years for marijuana possession. Mostly minorities and the poor. $1.8 billion a year is wasted policing marijuana users. When we could be using that money to fund jobs, healthcare, and public safety. We can stop the insanity in California. And lead the nation in a new direction. It’s time to end marijuana prohibition and legalize marijuana. Vote Yes On Proposition 19…Tuesday, November 2.
@Civsuccess2 You really should research before you comment….
All that needs be done to remove the prohibition is that EVERY weed smoker save their seeds and then simply toss them down on the ground EVERY spring. Problem solved. Use your damn heads, people. Free the weed- PLANT YOUR SEEDS.
“Weed” was not discovered by the Native Americans. We have evidence of it being used in Asia 5,000 years ago and in Europe 3,000 years ago (which means it has been around for quite a long time).
Also, you said “It will never be popular enough to reach the mainstream”; which is completely unfounded even if cannabis was a new drug. Radio, television and the internet are all quite new, yet they’ve become mainstream and culturally acceptable.
But Weed is not socially acceptable. Alcohol has been there since the dawn of civilization. Weed was something discovered by the Native Americans. Don’t confuse alcohol and weed. It’s of different level culturally and medicinally.
Alcohol is a downer and it is very socially acceptable and often present in our mainstream culture.
no on prop 19
I voted no on prop 19
(continued) common sense drug policy. org oaksterdam. com drugwarfacts. org info@ csdp. org
(continued) the president hit the roof. he complained to haldeman, ”…everyone of the bastards that are out for legalizing marijuana is jewish.” in the face of the shooting war in vietnam the shafer commission was quickly forgotten but the consequences of that cover up are still with us. since the 1972 release of that official report recommending legalization, we have arrested more than 14 million americans at a cost of over $100 billion and the use of marijuana is undiminished.
(Continued) but after months of testimony from academics, medical experts, lawmen, and health professionals, the facts overwhelmed the myths. the report was devastating: ”marijuana use, in and of itself, is neither causative of, nor directly associated with crime…it found no basis for the gateway theory. alcohol it said, was probably a greater danger, and the report concluded that personal use of marijuana should no longer be a crime.
(Continued) for scientific support, he appointed former republican pennsylvania governor ray shafer to head a national commision on marijuana and drug abuse. he told gov. shafer to treat marijuana just like heroin despite the ”obvious differences between marijuana and other drugs.” he was even more direct with chief of staff bob haldeman. ” i want a goddamn strong statement about marijuana…that just tears the ass out of them.”
In a text book example of fear manipulation, president nixon warned the country that a plague of unimaginable proportions was about to engulf the nation. ” the problem has assumed the dimensions of a national emergency,” he said. to fight the pushers on their own terms, he would Need emergency powers- preventative detention, unorthodox strike forces, more freedom to search, wire tap, and arrest.
Marijuana is already mainstream over 3 million people voted yes on prop 19, If you look at the stats i posted from ed rosenthal you will see that after prohibition was started on marijuana the actual number of users increased by a huge margin instead of decreasing and this is after the propoganda campaign to scare americans with movies like reefer madness.
Pot smoker is a downer. Its considered to be a loser activity and socially not acceptable. It will never be popular enough to reach the mainstream.
A man will renounce any pleasure you like but he will not give up his suffering. Gurdjieff
insanity is extending one’s identity beyond the body.
all the effort of the human mind cannot exhaust the essence of a single fly. saint thomas aquinas
if the bat desires not union with the sun, the beauty of the sun will not decrease. sa’di
in 1937, when the government passed their first anti-marijuana law, there were 55,000 users. now there are 55 million users, an increase of 10,000%. at this rate, around 2030 there will be more marijuana users in the u.s. than there are people. you say how can this be? its the pets. ed rosenthal
fact is marijuana and users will be here for a very long time legal or not.
Im moving to Canada
Maybe I do.
I have a spare $20 – do you have a female relative not doing anything this weekend?
@USAon3 i think you need a hooker
@USAon3 i think you need a girlfriend……..
@ArielCaboob well i heard in 2012 there going to try to put it back up on a prop.
but i doubt there going to do that.
@USAon3 I was not pointing out the obviouse, I was simply stating that to bash someones opinions or mock them because they have their opinions is not a mature or appropriate thing to do espicially because I assume you are an adult. I am quite aware prop 19 did not pass and it makes me a little dissapointed people don’t see the benifits of making it legal but I am not to worried because I’m sure that this issue will problably be back again
Of course they believe something “differnt” than I do, Captain Obvious! They’re altered and addled by pot!
Oh well, no matter anyway. The people spoke and 19 fell flat on its smoke-wreathed face. Pot will never be any more legal than meth, crack, or any of the other drugs.
…why do you think they call it “dope”?
@poonjoonoob lmao i know same here, all the one i know didnt vote… neither did i lmao. next time ill be prepared
@USAon3 Hey I never said that tobacco clouds your sense of judgement or that it’s disorienting but what I am saying that it is proven fact that marijuana is not as dangerouse or as addicting as tobacco, and that tobacco kills thousands of people every year and marijuana has not killed anyone. I also don’t appreciate you mocking the people here because they belive something diffrent than you do.