Bat Crap, Worm Tea, & Fish Emulsion Should Be Staples Of Medical Marijuana Cultivation

Bat Crap, Worm Tea, & Fish Emulsion should be staples of Medical Marijuana Cultivation.
You know you’ve become a good pot farmer, when you start mixing it up with bat guano, worm tea, and fish emulsion. Similar to parents changing a dirty number two diaper with love, that’s what great Medical Marijuana gardeners do with their organic amendments. The nature of these natural soil enhancers may gag the average human, but for the love of their “babies”, Medical Marijuana gardeners are not average.
Bat (as in Dracula) guano, consists of the droppings from these nocturnal flying creatures. Pot farmers for years, have used bat guano as a nitrogen rich boost for their plants. Many farmers also like the natural re-cycled aspect of bat poop. Since there are several species of bats, with varied diets, not just any bat guano will do. Many on-line hydroponics suppliers carry fertilizers that cannabis cultivators like. Obtaining the appropriate bat manure should not be a problem.
Worm tea, worm bins, worm castings, etc., should tell you something, worms are vital to a garden! I can’t tell you how many urban gardeners are happy when they’re turning dirt, and a shovel full of soil is teeming with worms. Worms are where the good soil is, and they will work hard to help keep it that way. The worms will handle subterranean duties like tilling, digesting decay, aerating soil, promoting microbial activity, and laying down their own manure in the form of castings. Some farmers have been using their horse manure and a yucca extract concoction, to produce homegrown worm tea, an ass kicker of a soil amendment that’s readily available to flowering Sativas and Indicas from the Medical Marijuana family. Let the worms handle all of your dirty work!
There is something about the sea, from sea kelp to crabs and fish. Compost from fish, crab shells, and desalinated sea weed, are all nice organic ways to enhance your soil. If you think in terms of feeding the soil, not the plant- then your garden will be quite prolific. Fish emulsion was one of the worst smelling additions to a plant I’d ever smelled, but once I witnessed it’s affect mixed with rain water, then I knew this was best for my plants. The two situations I know of people ruining their plants, came from an over zealous use of fertilizers. By staying in the organic ballpark of natural gardening, you can avoid that problem, and raise healthy good tasting plants! Remember, grow American.
Joyce embraces the “Cannabis Culture” at
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