Grow Medical Marijuana, The Easy Way, Part II

Medical Marijuana Grow Outdoors, The Easy Way, Part II “Congratulations, you have made great strides in planning your Medical Marijuana produced crops. You have checked the law of your state, hoarded some of the “Skunk Seeds from Amsterdam, mapped the sun pattern applied by your backyard your soils tested at a pH of 6. 0, and a tap / w hose are nearby. Sun, earth, seeds and water have been exploring the basics of Part I. Part II some other problems involved with successful Medical Marijuana growing. Garden pests can be, well, pests! Most insects are harmless cruise through your patch, and some are garden friendly as lady bugs. Since we have decided that the increasing burden of choice would be or Skunk Indica plants are – there is no movement of the pest known as the Whitefly, nemesis of many gardeners. Once you can grow your plants regularly check the undersides of tiny white flies. You may only sit there, or hundreds of flying (involvement), but their eggs do not damage the plant. The best way is to use what the commercial growers, Encarsia Formosa – a predatory insect. Find a 24 hours. Encarsia Formosa supply of strips and hang it in your garden. Whitefly is no chance. You can also use an insecticidal soap, but it is not as effective in my opinion. Unless action is Whitefly wipe your crop. The fertilizer that our most common nutrient mix is, nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium, with traces of some of his lesser. If you need to use fertilizer, will receive a package that the numbers on the front like this, has 20-30-40. These are the percentages of the nutrients mentioned before. Fertilize early mix with these inorganic. If you are not really experienced, avoid concentrated formulas, large areas are also growing in compost. Many people only fertilize early in the off-season, which is what I recommend is. In their zeal to enrich the soil and grow buds sentence length, a lot of people burning at the end (killing) their plants to fertilizer. Only early Mess with fertilizer, or when the plants go by Rich Green, a yellow color. Sluggish growth or blunting the ends may have to point out sheets of liquid nutrients. If you are experienced, you can fertilize before the season, center, and during the bloom. In Cali, let them grow naturally. The last area is of concern, thinning plants. There are a few schools of thought, this. One, whatever you sow or plant, you can simply grow the crop. For your first garden Medical Marijuana, I think that is the best and easiest. So you can not worry about male or female plant identification, you get a chance to perhaps see the differences, and finally – if it exists both sexes – Get some point in the future seeds of our harvest, are native to your area will are. Basically you are on the way to create your own strain of Medical Marijuana, how exciting! Secondly, if you have a wealth of easy access to seeds or seed, the male plants are cut (not pull, the effects on the roots of other plants) out as soon as you know, sex. This gives women more space, plus, now the women are seedless, or ‘sinsemilla’, draw many people. Do not throw the men because they have psycho-active, and can be dried for use. Finally, remember, Cannabis Indica is basically a weed, and we all know how easy to grow weeds. Joyce