Marijuana Outdoors : Guerilla Growing

Product Description60 color photographs, 5 1 / 2 “8 1 / 2” contains the latest up-to-date source of information on outdoor marijuana growing. available. Novice & learn to be seen how today’s growers are achieving record harvests. Cervantes traveled to get to North America Food deck, Europe, UK and Australia, as producers harvested the best in the world bud. Swiss, Italian, French, Canadian and Dutch gardens in the details with complete instructions and ex shown. . . More>>
This book is the perfect way to start. If you have never OWN MARIJUANA BEFORE CULTURED Rating: 5.5
What a great book, easy to understand, and I am a person who has it for my health. I found this book to be very helpful and I have been very successful in growing my own, because of his help. Jorge Cervantes is very smart, and I hope that more people with serious health problems buying this helpful manual check. Rating: 5.5
What a great book, easy to understand, and I am a person who has it for my health. I found this book to be very helpful and I have been very successful in growing my own, because of his help. Jorge Cervantes is very smart, and I hope that more people with serious health problems buying this helpful manual check. Rating: 5.5
This is probably the most poorly educated in general book I have ever read, not to mention the worst book to grow period. The pictures are cheesy. The photos are of poor quality, you can hardly recognize them. The information is general in nature, contradictory, unorganized. . . Can I wouln’t trust in them one thing, which is strange because Jorge Cervantes is a genius, and his recent publications show his. But this book is a No-No. Jump to another, and do not be afraid to spend the bucks. You want to vote climate with plant variety protection with specific instructions on feeding, and many do’s and don’ts. If your info is poor, then your fruit will suffer. Rating: 5.1